Chapter 11. All too well.

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Scars perspective

Scar was smirking.

Grians performance was...


Words couldn't describe how he felt.

The elf started his descent down a few steps to talk to his avian friend.

Scar crossed his arms together and looked Grian up and down, "Well, wasn't that quite the show hm?" The elf spoke nonchalantly, although deep down inside, his heart was racing at a million miles an hour, "Oh, you know, just my casual Friday night performances, I'm sure you'd know" Grian spoke, his words felt hurtful but his tone was calm.

"Listen. I didn't know you started coming here..." The brunette started to trail off as he was looking around at all the other students, partying and listening to the music, "Since when did Regulars come here, I thought it was only Favoureds who hung out around these corners?" "Things change Scar." Grian pointed out, "And people change." He said gesturing to himself. A wave of guilt washed over Scar as he watched the avian show his obvious differences, "Listen I just..." Scar started but was quickly cut short by Grian starting to talk, "No you listen. You were the one who said we were a mistake. You were the one who made me feel like I was nothing. You were the one who made me fall in and out of love with you within such a short period!" The avian was furious, but shut his mouth when the words left his lips accidentally, he cupped his lower face and his eyes widened.

Scars heart skipped a beat.

Grian... loved me?...
He thought to himself, his heart fluttering with all different types of feelings and emotions as his feathered friend tried to process what he had just done.

Scar uncrossed his arms and wrapped his rugged hands around the avians waist, bringing him in close and never wanting to let him go again.

The elf leaned in closer but was met with his old friend, tilting his head away.

Scar was confused

"Soulmate? What's going on?"


Scar recognised that voice anywhere.

Grian removed Scars hands slowly away from his waist and walked in the opposite direction from his first love, right into the open arms of B, his second.


Realisation set in for Scar, it hit him like a truck and crushed his feelings down to absolutely nothing within seconds.

That's why he was wearing B's jacket earlier...

"Nothing B Boo, just familiar faces coming in and stirring up in places they shouldn't be" the Brit spoke.


It was as if the two that shared so much together had never even met, feelings that blossomed like the lilacs and poppies in spring had fallen over, dead and cold due to the Winter conditions coming through and killing off all of mother natures wild life and art.

"Scar? What are you doing here, mate?" A male spoke.
Just great, another Regular who wants to cross paths with a Favoured, he probably wants to give the poor heartbroken elf a black eye or a broken nose or something to teach him a lesson that Favoureds don't belong anywhere because they're just stuck up, nosy, guilt tripping, lying, snobby, manipulating idiots who don't deserve anything that they have.

Scar turned to face the voice but was met with a short, quite short, other blond British boy.

Not what he was expecting. Like. At all.

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