Chapter 2. New feelings..

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Scars perspective

"Oh Jellie, you're so silly", Scar chuckled as he watched his cat try and catch the red laser pointer he was moving around, he quickly moved the red light to the top of his bed and with that, Jellie came running but before she could catch the seemingly fast, red dot, she was picked up into a big hug by her owner.
Scar hugged her for a minute or so and decided to finally get out of bed, he put Jellie down on the wooden floors and started making his way out to the kitchen.
Scar was a bit of an early bird at night which meant he could wake up with lots of energy and dance his way around the house without disturbing anyone considering he lives alone.
Elves are shoved off to fend for themselves at the early age of ten so that when they need to move to the real world, they are prepared for anything
Scar looked around the kitchen and from the corner of his eye he spotted the clock, he turned his gaze towards the numbers.


Scar lives close to the school which meant he didn't have to get up as early as most high schoolers, though that didn't stop him from getting up at the same time as the rest of them.

He got changed into a darkened green, button up shirt but left a few buttons undone as his usual Scar signature, he grabbed some black cargo pants with lots of pockets inside and out and got dressed into them, he walked over to his draws and picked out a black tie, put it on but left it very loose and open around his neck, put on a gold necklace with a small dagger charm, and finally, slipped on some white runners that looked a lot like just regular old boots.
He brushed his hair and braided it into a loose plait and tied it off with a green hair tie before going to brush his teeth and put his earrings into his pointy elf ears.
After Scar was ready, he grabbed his backpack and a bottle of water to keep hydrated throughout the day and set off for his walk to the new school.

Throughout his small journey around the town, he looked to the sky to see an avian wearing a maroon sweater and black trousers, accompanied by his wings casting a shadow over him and the ground beneath him everywhere he went.
Scar looked up in awe as the avian ducked and weaved around buildings and stores, travelling at such high speeds.
"They definitely didn't have avians back in my part of town..", Scar mumbled to himself, still thinking about the bird like creature, wondering if he will ever see them again.

Eventually, Scar made his way through the gates of the new school.
Hoards of teenagers swarmed the halls of the new area, all of them trying to find their classes, bumping into one another, some greeting old friends whilst others meeting new ones.
Just as Scar finished pondering he looked down at his journal to see what class he had first and where his locker was, he looked back up but was immediately met with a set of eyes he'd never seen before, one purple, the kind that look like the nether portals particles, as if they'd flown into his eye but in the most beautiful and elegant way possible, the other pure black, like if the night sky existed without the moon, the kind that anything could reflect off of no problem.
Scar looked closer and noticed the wonderful set of wings he had seen flying to the school earlier in the first place, he spotted the cherry coloured sweater.
His stomach flipped upside down at the sight of the avian, he wanted to know his name, how old he was, his favourite colour, his life story, everything and anything about him, he wanted to hear his voice, his laughter, but all Scar knew was...

He just had to meet him.

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