Chapter 15. He's quite the cuddler huh?

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Scars perspective

Lights were flashing through the windows of the house, music booming so loud you could hear it from the other side of the town and the smell of alcohol lingered in the air.

Grian and Scar stopped flying with each other just down the street, leaving them alone for a few minutes to chat before having their eardrums bursted by yelling, screaming, laughing and singing.

Strolling down the pathway, side by side, Scars hand grazed against Grians on accident, causing the poor avian to flinch for a mere second.

The elf came to a halt. He stared at his crush and tilted his head, confused by his feathered friends actions, when it clicked.

"Oh shoot! I am so sorry! I didn't mean any intent behind it!" Scar started to ramble.

The Brit grasped the Americans hand, gently intertwining their fingers together and beginning to pull him further towards the party.

The sun had completely set and the moon was shining bright, the stars twinkled in the night sky, almost reminding Scar of how Grians do the same when he's excited.

Street lamps illuminated the pathways paved in the cement and glass could be heard shattering not too far. The boys walked hand in hand together, comfortably yet the spark of love could be felt, aching in their finger tips, desperately longing for more than a simple hand gesture.

Scar blushed at how Grians hands felt mixed with his, so warm, so soft, and so small.

The party stood in front of the duos eyes, every person who strolled by reeked of booze and were either on the edge of passing out, throwing up, or passing out and throwing up.

This definitely wasn't the elfs vibe, but alas, he finally gets to spend more time with Grian, so he was going to soak up every second of it.

Even if that meant getting black out drunk next to the love of his life.

Scar linked his arm with the Brits, tugging him close as to not get lost in the house of mirrors and mazes.

Off they went, into the pit of alcoholic drunk teenagers, who were definitely too young to be drinking but who really cares when you're seventeen.

As the night progressed on, the two became distant.

Grian wandered off into several different corners of the house, accidentally bumping into a variety of couples in rooms and on couches, making out.

The poor avian wanted to bleach his eyes after witnessing those horrific sights.

Scar eyed off some colorful drinks with little umbrellas stuffed in the sides of them in the kitchen.

He wanted them.

The elf shuffled past a pool table with a few players versing one another and a board game, probably monopoly, on the dining room table.

He picked up the alluring drink and downed what looked like fruit punch.

He took a step back.

The elf wanted more.

With a flick of the wrist, he downed a few more.

The brunette felt dizzy, he felt like either the world was spinning or his eyes were shaking.

Probably a bit of both.

"Scar? Mate? What are you doing!?" A voice yelled at him, he twisted his head around, focusing his vision as much as he could on the person, "Mate, you can't just down four alcoholic drinks in one go! That will mess you up later!" Joel shouted, trying to get his voice over the house of loud music and screaming kids but also attempting to get through that thick skull of Scars, "Well I, I, I, I, I didn't know it was alcohol! I, I, I saw the, the pretty colors! And, and I thought it might've been fruit punch!" Scar tried explaining, his words no use, Joel planted his face in his own hands, shaking his head, "Come on Scar, let's go get you sobered up.", the green and brown haired man gripped his drunken friend and tugged him along towards a sink.

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