Chapter 7. What are the odds?

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Grians perspective

After zooming through the air for what felt like an eternity, Grian finally made it home.

He rushed into the tall building that stood for many many years and quickly made his way to the elevator.

He excitedly hit the button to go to his floor but that's when the nerves he's been suppressing all day finally arose.

He's going to meet with Scar.

Yes he did only just meet Scar today, but to Grian, he's felt like he's known the handsome elf for an eternity.

The elevator stopped moving causing Grian to fix his gaze up towards the red lit up sign.

Level. 23.

The automatic voice read aloud, and the sign shining the same words.

Grian stepped out of the elevator and shuffled around his pockets for his keys. After a minute of looking, he finally found them and unlocked his apartment door. His eyes scanned the room and his hand reached for the light switch.


The lights turned on, casting a whitewash over what used to be the dimly lit area, Grian took some things out of his pockets, mostly his keys, phone and a pen.

He strolled along to his room, dragging his feet across the carpet with every step he took and flicked on another light in the avians sleeping chamber.


The light buzzed and flickered around for a moment but steadied itself after a second or two. Grian stretched out his wings and arms and fell on his stomach, into his bed, face planting directly into the cozy covers. He perked his eyes over the blankets to be met with Maui, staring into his eyes, wondering what the silly boy was doing. Grian jumped back in a freight, grabbing at his own shirt, trying to steady the area that his heart was, now beating at a million miles per hour. "Geez Maui! You scared me!" Grian whispered shouted, ending his sentence off with a loud sigh before unclenching his chest and reaching for the cat.

Maui meowed and complained, chucking a fit like a toddler when they don't get the lollipop at the store they wanted, about being picked up and cradled like a baby but Grian didn't care, he wanted a kitty cuddle, even if the kitty didn't want to cuddle as much as he did. Eventually, the blond set the cat back down, fur stuck to the Avians uniform.

Grian groaned in frustration, "seriously Maui?", the cat looked at Grian, almost in a smug expression before walking away and sticking its tail in the air, proud of the damage it's caused, "well, I guess this is a sign to get changed into..." Grian paused. He thought for a moment. "Oh my void."


"We didn't even pick a time."


Grian facepalms and sighs to himself, "you know what? I'll just show up there at a random time and hope I'm not too early or too late, worst case scenario, I get frozen yoghurt by myself in a idiotic costume, best case scenario... Scar and I get frozen yoghurt TOGETHER." Grian stated to himself, enunciating the last word in his sentence, showing the clear difference between the options but trying to keep his cool.

He was excited, he was nervous, he felt all sorts of emotions he had never felt before, especially for someone, let alone a Favoured.

A few minutes later

Grians floor was scattered with all sorts of clothing, some red, some blue, some yellow, some pink. But he just couldn't find the right outfit. Yes, he remembers he has to go in a disguise, but what disguise would make him look okay? Like atleast half decent, he doesn't want to go to the frozen yoghurt store looking like a clown.

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