Chapter 14. You remembered?

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Grians perspective

Scar leaned in..

Grian felt his heart flutter...

Is this right? Is this okay? Is this what Grian wanted?

Was this it? Would they finally kiss? Or is this the author tugging at your heart strings again?

The elf reached for his friends hand, he pulled him close but leaned in further.

Scars eyes gently begun to shut as well as Grians...

Grian tilted his head to the side to make way for Scars face so they could finally intertwine lips...

Knock Knock Knock

Yep. Screw you author.

Both the friends immediately snapped out of the trance that they were caught up in.

Scar looked around and chuckled nervously, scratched the back of his head and went to check who was at the door.

A few minutes pass by and the brunette comes back with a some papers in his hands.

"Just some mail was being delivered, I totally forgot that it comes around 4PM every weekday, whoopsies" Scar anxiously laughed, he sat the letters down on his desk and cleared his throat.

"We should uhm, we should find something for you to wear to the party so you don't get recognised by any of the other Favoureds..." the elf hastily switched topics, this didn't bother the avian as he knew his pointy earred friend wasn't ready to admit his true feelings. Grian wanted to see how this story would play out if he was being completely honest, "Mkay!" The Brit shrugged his shoulders and used his best inside cheery voice.

Scar scoured his closet top to bottom but nothing seemed to fit or suit the blond British boy.

He was beginning to wonder if anything of his would even actually work for the avian.

Then it hit him.

"Oh my Void, I'll be right back."

And with that, the brunette left his room just as quickly as he had entered it.

When Scar returned, he was holding a jacket that looked the same color as a chestnutty brown with a few logos that looked imbedded on the side, the jacket looked like an adventurers jacket, one that would go on many expeditions deep into the wilderness.

Or in this case.

Scars trips around London.

The elf chucked the jacket at his feathered friend, "Put this on, it'll go with your beige pants and white shirt as they are", so Grian did as Scar said.

Scar sat on the edge of his balcony, dangling his feet in between the poles that held the metal fence up around the ledge.

Footsteps could be heard from behind the brunette, "Hey Scar?" Grian said sounding a little distressed, "Hm? Yes?" Scar turned his attention around toward his crush, eyeing him up and down, observing the color scheme of the outfit he had meticulously pick out in cohesion with the red and beige theme that the avian had going on.

He didn't want to intrude too much on Grians style, if anything, he wanted to exaggerate and show it off more than what the Brit can comprehend.

Only one things missing and Scar can't quite put his finger on it...

"Wings, very uncomfortable right now" Grian answered, tone out of tune in return, he held his arms out slightly scrunched up due to how large his wings were and how irritating it was keeping them hidden in such a small jacket in comparison to them.

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