Chapter 8. Picture perfect

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Scars perspective

"Oh Scar!" Grian yelled out and facepalmed.

Well, that definitely caught Scar off guard.

Not about the fact that the two hadn't arranged a time to meet up and by some pure coincidence they arrived at the same time or that the two males had come clothed, head to toe, in almost matching disguises to sneak around in.


It was that Grian.

The Grian.

The bird boy himself.
The one and only person in Scars little fantasy world, who completely had captured Scars full and undivided attention, was standing right in front of him, in the most adorable, little outfit that the elf had ever gazed upon.

The way the shirt fit the avians slim figure.
Almost as if he had gotten it tailored exactly down to the cent.
The pink colored heart adding a tint away from the mostly black material, acting as the moon does the very night sky that all beings sleep underneath.
The blonds shorts sat on him well, although in the elves opinion, a little too well, and much higher than he would've appreciated, but hey, a shows a show, and Scar wasn't going to deny it. But, he'd watch every second of every episode, everyday, if it meant Grian was the main star of the enchanting series.

Scar slowly approached Grian, eyes wide and jaw dropped, "You.. You look great.." Scar muttered out, a wave of heat had grown over his face, and it just to happens that Grian was feeling the same.
"Thank you!" The avian smiled and did a little twirl to show off his outfit.
The elf scanned his bird friend up and down before noticing...

His wings...

Oh Void, his wings...

They were the second most beautiful thing Scar had ever laid his eyes upon, first being Grian of course.

The way they shimmered and swayed elegantly in the sun and summer breeze, they sparkled and shined like the ocean on a hot day when the wind swoops in at the right moment.

Grian was picture perfect.

"How did you change your wings colors?" Scar asked curiously, he had finally noticed the difference from before and after.

Grian looked around, and looked behind him before realising what Scar was on about, "Ohh, if I focus really hard, they change colors! It can be a bit overwhelming and can take up a fair amount of my energy but it's very cool." Grian stated casually.

"Wha! Can I see it?" Scar asked, pouting his lip and pulling the puppy dog eyes.

Grian was in aww but he refused to be a heavy breathing mess after he was done changing his wings, and then again have to rechange them back.

"How about tomorrow? We can meet up during lunch and I guess if you want" Grian said dragging about his words, "You can see them tomorrow." The avian crossed his arms.

"Really!?" Scar perked up and let the excitement wash over his face, making it obvious to the Brit that he was happy.

"No." Grian said with a blank face, but a grin replaced his empty face and his eyes relaxed in on themselves.

Scars disappointment was quickly relieved with Grians sarcasm.

We're going to hang out tomorrow? Scar thought to himself, his head spun and the brunette was excited to hang out with the shorter one.

They both walked into the frozen yoghurt store, brought some small cups and made their ways over to the whirring machines.

Scar immediately reached for the handle which led to the chocolate frozen yoghurt that was waiting for him inside the big colourful box.
On the other hand, Grian grabbed the lever for the vanilla frozen yoghurt, they both looked at eachother and had a silent conversation to eachother in their head and through exchanging different looks.

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