Chapter 12. Determination pays off.

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Scars perspective

Scar was determined.

He was determined to win back Grian.

He had his heart set out for him from the very beginning, when they first locked eyes that one wonderful school day.

Until.. it wasn't wonderful.

But that's not the point.

The elf wanted his feathered friend back desperately.

So that's what he did.

Scar started waiting for Grian for every class that they had together, granted it was only 3 every Monday, Tuesday, Friday and 1 every Wednesday and Thursday, but that still didn't stop Scar from waiting outside the classrooms, like a puppy in a pet store, watching everybody look at him and walk past.

For the first few weeks, Grian would ignore Scar...

That is until the avian noticed it was becoming a regular occurrence, which in the long run, annoyed him to his limit.

Grians perspective

It was a Friday afternoon and Grian had plans to go to the Big Hangout Spot for his weekly sing along.

The Brit was walking ever so smoothly to the front of the school gates, carrying his books in his left arm, tucking them close to his chest, when out of nowhere.


The loud, sudden voice shocked Grian to his core.

He dropped all his books and groaned loudly.

"Okay, listen buddy, I don't think you know what you're doi-" Grian was curious and beginning to yell but caught sight of the voice that jumped out and scared him.

Relief washed over his soul but guilt soon flooded in.

Grian sighed and opened his arms out wide to take in the voice for a hug.

"Hey secret soulmate" Grian spoke,dragging on his words, internally cringing at himself for the icky nicknames him and his 'boyfriend' both called eachother.

B accepted the hug and embraced the feathery Brit.

B pulled Grian close, hugging him around the waist and fidgeting with the feathers at the bottom of Grians wings.

"B... I've told you a million times... stop playing with my wings-" the avian recoiled, obviously uncomfortable by his 'boyfriends' actions.

The truth is...

Grian never actually liked Big B, not even from the start. He made it up and lied to Scar so that the elf wouldn't figure out his real feelings, which we're headed towards, at the time, Scar. Yeah, Grian looked happy whenever B was around and called him all sorts of sweet names but deep down inside, he felt really uncomfortable, like something was hurting, and B wasn't the right bandage for him.

But he sucked it up, because now he was popular among the school, he knew how to dress, how to have fun, how to talk to people and make them do just about anything he wanted them to do. Regulars run the show and Grian decided Favoureds can finally get a taste of their own medicine for a while.

"But why Gri? They're so soft and smooth, it makes so happy whenever I touch them..." B trailed off, running his hands up Grians back, he had touched the most sensitive part of the avians wings, causing the feathered boy to flinch and pull away.

He shoved B away and out of his arms, he picked up the books his 'boyfriend' had made him drop previously and walked away.

That didn't stop Big B from following him though...

They didn't get too far from the street, literally down the road, before B grabbed Grians shoulder, forcing him to face eachother.

"What is wrong with you?" B asked, confusion hinting in his voice, "Are you serious? Are you that dumb?" Grians voice laced with anger, like a cocktail at a bar that'd been spiked from some idiot trying to find somebody naive enough to drink it, "Excuse me? Where is all this coming from?" B asked, raising his voice a tad bit louder, attempting to assert dominance over Grian and make the poor avian feel as though he's in the wrong, "I've asked you a hundred times to stop! Touching! My! Wings!", Grian was yelling, almost screaming at this point, he was furious, "I should be allowed to touch my partner however I want and whenever I please!" B screamed back, the Brit paused, his jaw dropped but with a half smirk, he crossed his arms and leaned his weight more onto one side then the other, "You know what! Go back to Cleo! Maybe this time she will backstab you instead of you being a complete idiot to everybody you meet! We. Are. Through." Grian retaliated, "Oh! And here's your jacket back!" He ripped it off his arms and threw it on the ground before storming off down the street to Void knows where.

Hours had passed and Big B was nowhere in sight.

Grian couldn't tell whether that was a good or bad thing.

On one hand, he won't be harassed by the overly touchy man but on the other, the dirty blond boy just wanted to be loved.

The Brit sat down on a swing set, he tucked his feet off the ground, causing them to dangle, and let the breeze push him gently back and forth.

Some footsteps could be heard not too far from the avian but he wasn't worried, it'd mostly be a like family of 4 or so, going for a stroll around the park, probably walking their dog who the young children love so much, occasionally getting stopped by the random stranger or two, asking to pet the small dog.

The foot steps got closer but even still, Grian couldn't be bothered to lift his head.

He felt so alone, like nothing was really worth it anymore.

His family didn't want him, not even his boyfriend, who was meant to love and care for him, respected him.

A bundle of sunflowers was healed up beneath his face that dropped, peering down at the grass beneath his feet mostly.

Those hands...

They look familiar...

Grian tilted his head but propped it up to be met with a sympathetic smile.

"I saw what happened earlier..."


Did everybody see my temper tantrum?...

"I wanted to bring you these as an apology for B being such a sh- bad... boyfriend."

"Scar, you don't need to bring me flowers to make me feel better." Grian spoke, adjusting his tone, looking back down at the ground.

The sun was shining bright behind Scar, Grian guessed it was his elf friend even though he couldn't properly see his face, although Grian would be lying if he said he didn't immediately recognise Scar from his hands.

Grian loved the look of Scars rugged hands.
He looked like he chopped down trees for a living, and he definitely had the muscles to prove it. He one hundred percent moisturised his hands every few hours because they're as soft and smooth as a silk dress.

Scar sat down in front of Grian on the grass.

There was a fair amount of dirt there and of course Scar just had to be wearing grey pants, making it obvious he sat in the earthy materials if he were to ever stand up.

"I... I grow sunflowers sometimes..." Scar trailed his voice off, Grian flicked his eyes above the ground and met Scars deep green eyes, the same ones he'd met on the first day back, "I don't have a backyard but I have a balcony that's attached to my apartment building, it's not big but it's enough to grow a few sunflowers there, these are for you." The brunette spoke softly, he motioned the flowers to the Brit, "Thanks Scar..." Grian thanked the elf before accepting the flowers.

The two chatted for a while, making small talk here and there but they didn't dare to speak about what happened earlier that afternoon with B and Gri.

Scar understood Grian would bring it up in his own time when he was ready.

"Come watch me tonight?" Grian asked, there was no pressure like how most people sound when they asked a favour, he merely couldn't care less whether or not Scar came to the performance.

"Of course I'll come watch you..." Scar smiled sincerely.

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