Chapter 3. Friends and classes

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Grians perspective

The bell rings

Suddenly the crowds of students are all running their separate ways, shoving past each other, accidentally knocking others around to quickly get to their classes.
The halls are now empty, just for Scar and Grian, both staring at each other like dumb, lovesick, children.
The awkward silence kicks in as they both suddenly realise they've been looking at each other the whole time, not daring to look away.
"I uh..", Grian stutters out, eyes still fixed on the boy in his vision, "Class! Class! Yep!" Scar blurts out, his words stumbling out of his mouth like a drunken man stumbling out of a bar, Grians eyes widen, his jaw slightly dropped, trying to conjure up the words his brain was so desperately trying to search for, "Uh- mhm! Yes! Class!", is all Grian manages to get out, he nods his head and suddenly he's parting ways.
Grian feels deep sorrow as he parts ways with the boy, he wants to meet him, he wants to know his name. It's the first time in a while Grian has ever actually wanted to talk to someone in this god forsaken school.

Scars perspective

Scar enters a classroom, the walls looked like they used to be a bright, white colour, but as time passes and posters get put on the walls, taken off, students touch the walls and the school forgets to repaint the walls overtime, it started to fade to more of a creamy yellow colour. The ground looks like smoothened wood planks and there's desk with plastic chairs, spread around the floor, some joined together and some more separated. The classroom is empty except for some boys at the back of the room, they look a bit rougher than most of the other kids in the school, almost like they were the bullies of the school. As Scar is about to set down at the desk, something interrupts him, or more like someone, "Hey! New kid! Come here", shouts a loud, booming, voice. Scar, out of respect, turns his direction towards his new classmate with a face that reads 'please don't hurt me' but also 'please don't talk to me', he starts to walk towards the boys in the back of the empty classroom, "Yes?" Scar states with exasperated sigh, "Hey don't look so down, we're only here to introduce ourselves, you're lucky we got to you before the rest of the school did" the boy said in a sympathetic yet obnoxious tone, who knew that was even possible, but somehow he made it happen. "I'm Joel, this is Martyn" said the boy with the green stripe in his hair and black leather jacket, gesturing to the blond in a cozy green hoodie and blue jeans, "sup", stated the so called  Martyn, Scar gave a little wave, "And this is Etho", Scar didn't even notice Etho before, but now that he's looking at him, he's quite noticeable and could stick out of a crowd quite easily, once you notice him you can't really not see him anymore, Etho glares up at Scar over the top of his mask and through the small white hairs that hang over his head. Huh, white hair, now that's something you don't see too often now days, especially from my old part of town... Scar thought cautiously to himself. Etho was wearing fingerless gloves, to which Scar never understood the point of fingerless gloves
They keep the rest of your hands warm besides your fingers, I don't understand!- nevermind. Scar considers the choices in his mind, before a voice starts to speak, breaking his train of thought, "So you gonna tell us who you are new kid? Or you gonna make this more awkward than it already is?" Joel states, a hint of confusion in his voice, that's when it clicked to Scar, he'd been staring at the group of boys for a few minutes without a single word coming out of his mouth, he'd been stuck in his thoughts to not even notice the strange situation he was in, "Oh, right, sorry, I'm Scar, pleasure to meet you Joel, Martyn and Etho" Scar replies with a small smile, "Come, sit down", Martyn scoots over a chair, emptying his seat next to Joel for Scar to sit down, and Scar does so, he goes around the table and sits next to Joel, he looks to him on his right, "We're your friends now", Joel states with a big grin. The rest of the class begins to fill with other students, most grabbing their books out and others setting their heads on the desk, covered up by their arms overlapping one another.
"There is more of us in this group, we're spread out all through the school, you can spot us from a mile away, but there's one big rule with the school" Joel says a more serious manner, his smile slowly fading, "and that is?" Scar questions his new formed friend, "We don't. Interact. With the regulars." Joel expresses, answering his friends question to his previous statement, "The regulars?" Scar, again, questions Joel, Etho sits up to answer Scar but Martyn begins to talk, "The regulars. They come to school, have nothing to look forward to, sit through their classes, go home and don't go out to the big hang out spot", Martyn says as he slumps down, "Huh.. Okay, that doesn't seem too difficult, I take it you- I mean, we're, more like the popular students of the school?" Scar ask cautiously, watching his words, forming them in his brain before he speaks, "We're not popular students. Populate students are stuck up, we're not stuck up, we just know how to dress and have a good time, even though this place is second to hell" Etho blurts out, slightly frustrated at Scars remarks, "The regulars like to call us 'the favoureds'", says a voice infront of them, Scar looks up, turning his attention away from Etho and towards the new voice, "Hi, I'm Scott, nice to meet you" the new voice holds out his hand, wanting to shake Scars, Scar returns the favour and shakes his hand, Scott pops down his belongings on a desk that has one other seat connected, away from the four boys, he flicks his baby blue hair away from his face and pushes it more towards the back of his head, his navy blue eyes searching the classroom top to bottom to observe the other students coming in and where they're all sitting.
The teacher walks in and introduces herself, she begins to talk and teach the lesson but Scar blocks out most of the lesson, hearing the occasional few lines of the teacher talking, but all he can think about is the Avian, his wonderful white wings, his beautiful, enchanting eyes, his little cherry coloured sweater...
Suddenly someone taps his shoulder, he takes his face out of his arms that we're resting on the desk, he takes a peak around but the classroom is empty, Scar turns around to be met with Joel's face, "You okay bud? Class is over, don't wanna be late to your other classes, if you need help finding them, just let me know, we're also all going to the big hang out spot after school, later in the afternoon, you should come with us, meet the rest of the group!" Joel states enthusiastically, Scar gives him a small nod and a smile and that's enough for Joel, he begins to walk out of the classroom, Scar gets out of his chair, tucks it in and walks to the door but accidentally bumps into someone of a shorter size, the scare sends him tumbling backwards onto his back against the wooden floor, a small weight lands on him but all Scar can see is feathers and dirty blond hair, that's when he realised what just hit him, literally.
His face turns red and butterflies immediately flutter around in his stomach, his throat feels tight like he wants to speak but he's too nervous to, Is it bad I wish we could stay like this forever? Scar thought to himself, but was cut off and is met with a small bird boy, going through his messy, fluffy blond hair to reach his head, which was obviously hurt, but he started to sit up and his face began to heat up, turning pinker and pinker, switching to a red that goes deeper and deeper by the second.

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