Chapter 6. Disguises!

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Scars perspective

Grian had outright called Scar cute, Scar couldn't believe it.

Did he hear Grian right? Did Grian mean to say that? Was he just being polite? Scar did just call Grian cute before but was Grian just returning the favour?

So many thoughts raced through Scars head, he knew he had to keep a calm and collected face on the outside but on the inside it felt like he was floating on a cloud of love.

"I- Sorry! I didn't mean to say that! I- I was talking about someone else!" Grian let out.


Someone else?...


"Oh... who's this someone else?" Scar muttered silently, his tone and attitude dropping by the second, he continued to write in Grians book for the notes, originally he had been drawing little hearts and stars, leaving little extra notes and drawing certain diagrams to help but he left the rest of those out, just the basic words and numbers used in maths terminology.

"Uhh... It's Big B" Grian stammered.

Big B? Scar thought to himself
What does Big B have that I don't?...

"Y-You know how it is... regulars can only date regulars and favoureds can only date favoureds I guess..." Grian muttered out slowly, sounding as if he's choosing his words carefully.
"I mean favoureds and regulars aren't actually even meant to be hanging out after school, so you're best just taking my maths book and rewriting down the notes instead of us meeting after school if we're being completely real" Grian mumbled to Scar, looking down at his bandages hands folded over eachother in his lap.
"But I-", before Scar could finish his sentence, the bell rang.

Ding Ding Ding

All the students began to get up, pack up laptops, books, stationary items and dart out the door to their next classes, Scar looked up at Grian who was still standing beside him, the elf's jaw dropped by an inch, Grian begun to get up but Scar grabbed his wrist, "Wait, G, can we talk?" Scar stated, nervousness encroaching in his chest, "Sure thing, Scar" Grian Said ever so casually. Scar got out of his seat and the two walked out of the class room.

Scar pulled Grian in between two classroom buildings, covered the Avians mouth with his hand and pulled him further and further in between the two buildings until they were behind it. He pushed Grian gently against the wall, pinning him against the wall and removed his hand from the confused blonds mouth.
"What the hell are you-" Grian whispered, before yet again, being cut off by Scar, "What do you mean favoureds and regulars can't hang out after school?!" Scar whispered yelled in a whiny voice. Grian begun to explain, "well, you see, if any of the favoureds or regulars catch one of their own hanging out with the opposing team or enemy, you kind of get thrown out of the group, it's highly frowned upon in this school." Grian stated, still whispering so nobody would hear them, "Well I-" Scar started, but stopped himself, he was trying to come up with a plan, after a few seconds of silence, Grian had tapped Scar on the shoulder, "hm?" Scar questioned as he was brought back to reality, "Scar, you reckon you could take a step or two back buddy?" Grian started gesturing to the state the two of them were in, the brunette still had the Avian gently pinned to the wall but had become unaware at how much closer and closer they were getting with each passing second, The elf's eyes widened at the situation, "Hoh! Hoh! I am so sorry!" Scar jumped back in surprise, "Back to the situation at hand" Grian said, blush creeping gently around his face, luckily the sun was blocked  from the buildings which was creating a dark shadow over the two boys, causing Grians blush to be concealed quite easily. "Ah yes. What if we went out in disguises?" Scar questioned.

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