Chapter 16. The filler episode of fluff

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Scars perspective

Warmth and comfort was something the elf was familiar with.

But this one felt different.

It felt like the kind you'd embrace on a cold winters night, the nurturing feeling, lingering in your stomach when you're cared for and scared of the dark.

After a minute of rustling around and slowly awaking, Scars eyes calmly fluttered open.

To be fair, in his opinion, he couldn't recall much from the night before.

He definitely did not remember at all, falling asleep in the same bed as Grian.

The brunette sat up on his elbow, he looked down beside him to see a peacefully sleeping avian Brit.


Scar stared longingly at the love of his life

He looks so pretty...

Pretty like the sun...

The elf covered his eyes as a pounding headache began, he wiped his face, dragging out his facial features before laying back down in the bed.

...I hope I didnt do anything too stupid..

Lying under the same silk sheets and covers as Grian had to be a dream come true, some sort of miracle that the two would even be allowed near eachother considering the schools judgement, had to have been granted, even just for that night.

The American gave one last big squeeze of a hug to his best friend, carefully sure not to stir him, slowly exiting out of the comforting haven and crept quietly out the door.

But no matter how quietly he slipped out and away...

Grians perspective

Grians senses knew something was up.

The avian is part bird, right? So all his feelings and so on we're heightened, he could feel the presence of what once existed behind his back and wings had disappeared.

Grian rolled over to see if Scar was still there, to which, not to his surprise, he wasn't.

His heart rate slipped a few times, terrified, angry at himself for sleeping with the brunette the previous night.

Grian shovelled his face into the soft pillows, submerging himself away from the embarrassment and thoughts he had worked up over time.

Sliding out of bed with ease and stability Grian did with skill, he moved slowly and extremely quietly to the bedroom door, peeking out into the hallway that lead to the kitchen.

Scar was making pancakes?




Why on earth. Is Scar Goodtimes. In my kitchen.

Making pancakes?

Grians stomach rumbled.

That's why.

As awkward as the Brit felt, and as much as he didn't want to confront his best friend, he was very hungry.

"Heyyy Scar..." Grian said, stepping out from his hiding spot, "Oh, Hey G! You hungry?" Scar perked up, he didn't seem weirded out or anything, like, everything was fine.

"Yes. I am starving." The feathery boy replied, stretching out his wings and swiping loose hairs away from his face.

So they sat down and ate the pancakes, and my goodness Scar knows how to cook.

The pancakes tasted like heaven, they were light and airy, absolutely perfect.

Neither seemed to touch topics of what had just happened to the anxious blond took it as the thumbs up to slip forth onwards with his day.

They hung around Grians house for the rest of the day, playing video games, listening to music, taking turns explaining little hobbies, at one point G showed Scar this thing called YouTube and how he likes to make little videos and post them to people all over the world, it caught the elf off guard but he took interest to it and said he would check out the so called popular video game 'Minecraft', the Brit even offered for the American to join a little server between the two and a ton of online friends, it warmed his heart that Grian thought and acted so kindly towards him.

Scars perspective


The boys were sitting on the couch together, Scar reading a magazine, one leg crossed over the other whilst Grian hung upside down from the comfort, staring emptily into the blank tv screen.

"Do you like having your nails painted?" The feathered boy asked.

"What's painting my nails?" The brunette asked curiously.

He sat upright from his lopsided position, adjusting to regular vertical gravity and ran out the room, using his wings to boost him every few steps.

As quickly as he left he reappeared, with a few small glass bottles of various assorted colors, he sat down next to the confused boy.

He ushered Scar to give him his hand so they could begin.

"What's your favourite color?" Grian wondered aloud, "Green" Scar replied, "Hm, okay, I have just the idea" the Brit answered deviously.

He picked up the red bottle, took the tiny brush out, wiped it around the top of the glass and begun putting it on the elfs nails.

"Wait but my favourite colors green, why are you using red?" The American expressed confusedly, "Just wait and see!" The Brit laughed whilst keeping a steady hand on his friends.

After some time of painting and fixing up mistakes and Scar accidentally smudging a nail or two, causing Grian to fix them, they were done!

"Can you tell me why my nails are red G?" The brunette asked again, waiting for what his friend has planned.

The bird boy yoinked a bottle of green polish and begun painting his own.

The brunette blushed, his favourite color was being brushed upon his crushes nails.

So his favourite color must be red.

That's why his are green...

Scar faded back into reality once the boy across from him had finished painting his finger nails.

Grian had the biggest grin forming on his adorable face, his cheeks and nose were dusted with light freckles and tinted pink, his hair fell perfectly over his nose but a loose strands fell in front of his opposite colored eyes.

The past few days have been fun...

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