Chapter 20. It's time, it's been ten years...

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All perspectives

All good things must come to an end.

So we thought at least.

Who knew students who were once so young could grow up and mature so quickly...

"Come on, we're gonna be late!" A familiar voice yelled out.

"Yes yes, I know. Grab my coat on the rack would you Darling?" The other man replied back gracefully as he was fixing his shoe onto his foot, balancing on one leg.

He tripped over his shoe but luckily the man's wings quickly stretched out far and wide enough to save his precious face from a sucker punch to the wooden floor.

"You okay there G?" The taller brunette asked sincerely and gently.

"Of course Scar, you know my wings will always save me whenever I fall." He giggled in reply.

"Yeah, just don't let them do all the saving" he begun saying as he picked up his lover and spun him around, bringing his winged partners knees right up to his chest and holding him directly above his head, "I still need a job to do" he finished his sentence, pulling Grian off of his chest and dipping him in the doorway.

The avian laughed and wrapped his arms around the elf man, pulling him in close, connecting foreheads and sharing a small quick kiss with one another.

They'd gotten used to it.

Grian casually slipped his gloves on whilst Scar grabbed his big beige coat off the rack near the door.

He held his arms out behind his back and the American carefully slid the jacket onto his arms, staying cautious of his wings consistently and sliding the rest of the coat up.

The avian was wearing a casual white dress shirt with a maroon button up vest and some brown loose pants, that matched with his hazel tinted, pointed, going-out, shoes.

His wonderful husband was dressed in a faded blue, oversized, baggy pair of jeans and a tight, black compression, short sleeved,shirt that tucked into every corner of his toned arms and torso.

The elf isn't himself without a pair of big bulky dark boots.

Scar decided to get a haircut before they both graduated from highschool to freak everyone out, he realised that he quite enjoyed the look of his locks swept back with a few loose strands for dramatic effect.

Grian still kept his normal fluffy hair, he felt like it was his signature style and a key part of himself.

"Thank you my love" the Brit thanked him.

"Of course, anything for my dear Husband after all." Scar said with a smug grin.

"Scarrr" Grian whined bashfully, "We haven't been married that long." He said embarrassingly through his teeth, he was fiddling with his fingers and looking down, avoiding his husbands gaze.

"Uh uh uh, tsk tsk tsk" the brunette said, he reached for his lovers jaw, tracing the sharp line across and bringing his hand forth to the tip of his chin, forcing him in a gentle manner to look up, "That just won't do my Prince, are you embarrassed by me at all?" He questioned.

"No! Of course not! You know I love yo-" Grian stated passionately before being cut off.

Scar leaned over the smaller bird boy.

"Or do I just make you nervous?" The American said in a low raspy tone, one deep enough to make even bass singers send shivers down their spines.

The Brit felt his cheeks immediately begin to warm up, he played more with his fingers as the butterflies in his stomach continued to flutter around and never leave.

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