Chapter 10. GRIAN!?

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Scars perspective

From a few days to a few weeks, time had flown away, but Grian and Scar were yet to grow closer. Perhaps even slowly drifting apart, the two hadn't spoke in what felt like forever.

Scar desperately wanted to apologise, deep down he felt terrible with each passing second, but everytime he tried to work up the courage to talk to his avian friend, Grian gave him a cold stare.

Typical regulars Scar thought as Grian shoved his shoulder into Scars.


Grian started hanging out with more regulars and even getting closer with Big B, which Scar was not pleased to see, especially when he saw Grian tugging at B's jacket and pleading to wear it, and sadly after some time, B gave in and let the avian wear his jacket.

Grian still looked adorable in Scars eyes...

The avian tucked his wings into his back, carefully resting them along his spine and tossing the jacket on over them.

B wrapped an arm around Grian, pulling him close by the waist and begun to walk. He stared at the elf with a smirk on his face as he walked away with the blond Brit tucked nicely into his arm.

Scar felt sick.

He felt the sick you'd feel when you saw somebody die, he felt the sick you'd feel if you walked in on your partner cheating on you, he felt the sick you'd feel when a cold was hovering over you, making your stomach drop and your throat clench up, slowly closing up your lungs as it infested its way deep into your nose and chest, strangling you and causing you to not be able to breath properly.

His avian was taken away.

Poof elf...

Scars days continued on, in and out of every class room, hanging with Joel, Etho, Martyn and some others every so often. Scott even taught Scar how to make cute hats! The elf had put together a wonderful looking maroon colored top hat, and boy oh boy was it a TALL top hat.

The elf lazed around his bed for most of the afternoon, holidays had finally clicked around the corner and that didn't leave much activities for the brunette to get up to.

Come to think of it...

Scar had never actually visited the Big Hangout Spot yet...

He pondered for a while, weighing up his options for whether or not it was a good idea to go, the basic pros and cons as you do.

Screw it, I'm going. Scar thought, he grinned to himself before sitting up out of his bed and searching his closet, top to bottom for his most jaw dropping outfit.

Scar never really thought of himself as hot or good looking, but today was different. He was wearing a lovely white button up shirt, layered with a green vest? Corset? Whatever it was, it tucked him in nicely and gave him the hips of an angel. He coated the tops with a nice, fancy, wine tinted suit jacket that sat on his arms well. The elf slipped on a nice pair of cherry red suit pants,adding on his slightly pointed, dress shoes, and of course, topping the outfit off with different accessories.

Scar was decked out, as Tango would say, the blaze-like man would always talk about and conjure up different ideas for mazes and buildings he wanted to make. Scar wasn't one for admiring 'buildings' as such but the brunette loved Tangos designs.

Growing up, the elf always wanted to be an imaginier, creating different roller coasters, making different themes for all crazy, brilliant ideas of a theme park.

Scar grabbed his keys and phone, starting to leave the house, but something stopped him, it tugged at his mind.

He stepped back inside and took a look around, his eyes fixing over the apartment room, lurking into all corners.

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