Chapter 4. Favoured or Regular?

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Grians perspective

Grian was peacefully making his way over to class, half hoping he would bump into the tall elf he saw earlier but also hoping to avoid him.
He looks like a favoured.. Grian pondered to himself.
The curious Avian wondered, with someone of that sense of style, that good looking and doesn't seem too familiar, possibly even new by chance? There's no way he would be a regular.
Grian was so lost in thought he was practically walking to his next class purely out of muscle memory, the same schedule for the past 3 years really puts a dampener on being excited to see the new class, new students and new things to be taught, but the poor boy was so badly in his head that what he failed to realise until it was too late is he had gone tumbling over, falling right on top of a poor, innocent, student, who was rightfully so, trying to leave the classroom they were just in.
The bird boy sat up, slow enough to make sure he wouldn't cause anymore harm or damage than he already had, and he began reaching through the scruffles of what is his hair and rubbing his head.
"Man that hurt" Grian explained with a hint of distress in his voice, until the student he had fallen on finally began to speak, "I guess I could say you really fell for me, huh?" The voice said with a chuckle, though it was clear they had a grin on their face, Grian hadn't looked around or taken in his surroundings yet, let alone looked up at the student, but as his gaze began to focus on the newly profound voice, slightly blurry yet beginning to fix itself within a few blinks, he finally realised who it was...

"So, what's your name?", the curious elf spoke, his words as comforting as his smile, Grian felt his heart flutter, he was feeling as if the earth had stopped rotating, like time itself had stop, nothing else mattered to him, not the students, the people, the places he needed to go and be, all that mattered was this very moment, and he was not about to mess it up.
"Uhh.. uhm..." Is all Grian managed to stutter out.
DONT MESS THIS UP GRIAN! BE COOL!!! Grian thought anxiously to himself.
"I.. am so. so. sorry. that I bumped into you, and. fell. on you." Grian explains, the nervousness creeping up his throat and into his chest, making it feel tighter and tighter every second he was in that room, "Do you see me waiting for an apology?" The elf asked casually, ending the question on a higher note, "I asked, what's your name?", the elf smiled genuinely, "Uhm.. my name is Grian", Grian muttered out, sounding stubborn and disinterested though he wasn't meaning to, "Okay, well nice to meet you bird boy, my names Scar Goodtimes", the elf smiled and begun to laugh at his own remark of mocking Grian but in a friendly type of way, Grian looked at him in a shocked but smiling look, "Heyyyy! I was being nice!" Grian said whilst shoving Scar a little but also beginning to laugh.
The twos energy died down, Scar got up onto his feet and held out his hand to help Grian up, but to Grian, it felt like he had won the lottery, he felt like the luckiest man alive for that single moment of embracing the elf boys hand to get up and possibly talk more, he reached out and grabbed Scars hand, Scar didn't have to put much muscle into helping Grian up due to Grian being quite light compared to most things Scars lifted, Grian got to his feet yet neither one of them would let go, the two of their hands intertwined with one another and their eyes the same, staring deep into each other, not daring to break line of sight.

"Hey! Scar! Come on buddy, we've been waiting for- oh, Scar, mate, can I have a word with you?", voiced a British man outside the doorway that Scar was in his way out of and Grian was walking into, Grian turned around and his hands immediately left Scars, they felt cold and lonely, he longed for theirs to be patched together, welded almost, so they would never be apart ever again, yet his vision was directed towards the loud voice from outside the door, and there, tall and arms crossed, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently, was Joel, practically the leader of the favoureds, waiting, for his friend to leave the vacated room and go have fun together, "Joel." Grian greeted Joel from inside the classroom, "Grian." Joel stated, in a more obnoxious tone than Grians was, Grian was getting annoyed so he turned his back on both the students and walked away and sat down at the desk, waiting for the other students to come in, he crossed his arms and sat back looking at the two boys in the doorway, Scar looked sad though, as if it finally clicked to him that Grian was a regular, and he could never talk or be friends with the regulars, it poked and prodded at Grians heart, seeing the poor elf boy be sad, especially on his first day at a new school, but, favoureds are favoureds, favoured by all the teachers and the rest of humanity, destined for great things in life, all the while regulars are destined for also great things! In the chair and desk of an office of a 9am-5pm job with little to no pay and barely any time off.
Scar began to walk out the door, his hurt faced getting worse and worse by the second, with every step it looked like he was walking away from his future, a future Grian wanted with him, a future where maybe, just maybe, regulars and favoureds could be friends, possibly even lovers, but he knew that it wouldn't happen, not ever in this timeline, nor any other timeline for that matter.
But Grian felt something, he felt something he had never felt with anyone else before, he knew that even though sides of the schools were against eachother and they may never talk to eachother ever again, he knew, that Scar felt something as well, as if the idea had finally clicked to both their brains, it had happened earlier that day and had happened again that morning, like soulmates destined to be together, like when the sun goes up and the moon goes down, or when it's hot and you feel that summer breeze, come dashing in your face and all around you, Scar was Grians person as Grian was Scars, and they both knew it, either that or Grians getting ahead of himself, but it was too late, Scar had already walked out the door, practically tugging at Grians heart strings, causing his emotions to spiral out of control and make his thoughts race.
GOD, IM SO STUPID! WHY DID I LET HIM GO LIKE THAT!? WHY AM I SO STUBBORN!? I SHOULD'VE STOOD BY HIM! Grians thoughts angrily floated around his mind, he was thinking of all the different out comes that situation could've gone, how he could've got Scar to stay, how he couldn't even possibly, taken the chance on walking out of the classroom and walking with Scar and Joel, even if it meant missing class and having to walk with some of the worst people in the school, but Grian didn't care, he longed to be with Scar and he wished he wasn't so idiotic and had thought about his actions more carefully instead of being so reckless and letting go of his new interest.

As students started to pour in and the teacher started to teach her lesson, everything felt off, it felt like he was being watched, and ofcourse, as expected, he turned his face to be met with Pearl, extraordinarily close to him, eyes wide and face as serious as she could possibly be, Grian was startled, it made him jump back slightly and gasp whilst doing so, when his nerves finally calmed down, he shoved Pearl a bit, "Geez Pearl, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you staring at me? And especially so close?" He says annoyed while starting to inch his seat further away from her, "Somethings wrong. I can sense it.", Pearl had a way with getting through to Grian to tell her what's wrong, whether she openly ask him or it takes blackmailing him into him opening up to her, ofcourse it was all friendly but on the other hand, Pearl scared Grian slightly, "I- well, there's not really a way of getting out of this one... meet me at lunch, I'll tell you all about it then" Grian says in defeat, sighing at the end of his sentence, word could spread quickly if he tells her but he may be forced into telling her, either way won't be good, but maybe, just maybe, she might not say anything to anyone, Grian has faith in Pearl, faith that shifts up and down every so often, but one that's never been completely broken, Pearl gives a thumbs up in response to Grians statement, "What's up with him?" The bird boys glorious moustached friend that goes by the name Mumbo, turns around and ask Pearl, Pearl gives a half hearted response of a shrug and a 'I dont know' but mumbling most of it and it sounding like she was humming a new tune that probably would've come out on the radio not too long ago, Grian eavesdrops on them but nothing interesting comes from the few second conversation, Mumbo turns his attention back to the lesson as well as Pearl and Grian following his actions not too far behind the moustached man.

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