85. I Think I Want To Marry You

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After lunch, poor Daphne, was clueless as to what was going on as Theo wanted to keep it a secret to surprise her. But Sloane had to get her ready. As they were leaving the hall, Sloane slipped her arm through Daphne's. "How would you like to come up to the dorm to hang out for a while?" Sloane asked as Hermione and Luna stood next to her.

"Why?" Daphne asked looking between the girls. Something was up, but she wasn't sure what it was.

"We just -" Hermione began but was interrupted.

"Babe, I am going to go for a fly around the Quidditch pitch with Blaise, Draco, and Harry. Is that alright?" Theo asked. All four boys gave their best puppy dog eyes at her.

"Oh," Daphne sighed. She had wanted to see if he fancied going and getting some sweets from Hogsmeade and cuddling in the common room by the fire for a while. But she didn't want to spoil his fun. "Sure," she smiled. "Go and enjoy your afternoon."

"That's why we wanted to invite you to the dorm," Ginny said joining them, giving a nod to the boys discretely to let them know that Bill was ready and everything was a go. "Let the boys go off and do their thing, and we can have a girly session again."

"Ohh, with more facemasks?" Daphne smiled. "That last one made my skin feel amazing!"

Sloane nodded. "We were thinking of doing a little makeover."

"Really?" Draco smirked playing along. "You are going to get all dressed up?"

"We are," Sloane nodded. "I've been practising the spells for styling and everything."

"Maybe when you are finished, we can meet up and see for ourselves?" Theo asked, praying that Daphne didn't suspect anything.

"Oh that's a good idea. Like a surprise!" Ginny encouraged. Daphne thought it sounded silly, but everyone seemed so eager so she kept her mouth closed and said nothing but smiled.

"Maybe we should go to the Three Broomsticks later, since you will all be dolled up?" Harry offered. "We might even be able to convince Blaise to take a shower." Everyone laughed as Blaise growled.

Theo kissed Daphne's hand before moving a strand of hair out of her face. "So have fun with the girls," he said softly. "And I will see you and peanott later."

Daphne smiled and reached up to kiss him. "Have fun and be safe."

"I promise to bring him back in one piece," Draco laughed as he kissed Sloane. Not a quick kiss either.

"Alright, break them up, or we will never get anywhere!" Ginny snapped as Blaise and Theo grabbed Draco and practically carried him off. Ginny turned to the girls. "OK, let's get glamorous!"

The girls all headed off to the dorm, with Hermione arriving a few minutes later with some snacks under her arms. "I just thought we should have some snacks as while we wait." She looked to Daphne. "Em... Theo told us about your little...surprise. I know how bad Fleur's morning sickness is, and she said snacking often helped, so I thought it wouldn't hurt." Daphne paled at the news. She had no idea Theo was off informing people of their situation. "He was too excited to keep it a secret," Hermione said smiling.

Daphne rolled her eyes. "He is excited. I will be excited for people to know the news. After I kill him of course," she smiled sinisterly to herself as she lifted some pretzels, actually quite thankful for Hermione's idea.

"OK, let's get started," Sloane smiled. "Daphne, I am going to do your hair as Luna puts on your facemask. By the time we are done, Theo is going to be drooling."

"Well he can't get me any more pregnant can he?" She giggled as Sloane lifted the brush.

The next few hours were spent, completely pampering. Most teenage girls dream. Daphne was given a facial and had her hair curled and pinned up into a half up do. She couldn't see what Sloane was doing, but she knew she was putting something in her hair. Daphne assumed it was product, but she was adding flowers and pearls.
As she was getting her hair done, Luna had added a facemask to Daphne's face, leaving it on for about 10 minutes before wiping it off with a warm cloth. Ginny then rubbed merlin knows how many oils and creams into her skin. But she was loving it so she didn't complain.

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