Chapter 1

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(Pilot, S1 E1)

"Don't you think you've had enough to drink?" Erica Sullivan said, sassing her best friend, Sam Winchester.

"Oh, come on, we're celebrating! We're actually celebrating the both of you, you've finally got legal permission for your law firm!" Their friend Brady said, slurring slightly from all his drinks.

"Don't pester her," their other friend(and Sam's girlfriend), Jessica Moore, said as she pushed a beer away from Erica, "You know she doesn't like to drink."

"Thank you! Finally, someone understands." She said laughing. "You just don't like drinking because of how fast you get drunk." Sam revealed, snickering.

Erica rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face was prominent.


"I'll see you two tomorrow." Brady slurred, leaning against a slightly less drunk Sam.

Jess and Erica shared a glance before saying their goodbyes to the two as they walked back to their dorms.

"Those two are gonna wake up with a hell of a migrane." Erica snickered as she unlocked their dorm. "I'm worried about them. Do you think we should go spend the night with them? I could go to Sams apartment and you could go to Bradys dorm!"

The brunette sighed, "It's not the first time they've been drunk Jesse. They are perfectly fine on their own. They're fine, we're fine, everyone's gonna be fine."


For the first 3 hours of the night, Erica had been right, but a little after 3, her phone started ringing off the hook.

"Sam, I swear if this is something stupid-" "Can you come over?" Erica stayed silent for a moment, processing his words in her tired brain.

"What's wrong?" "Ugh, everything. I can't sleep, my head and stomach are killing me, and the neighbors are having a little fun if you know what I mean."

Her face scrunched up in disgust before returning to a look of concern. "I'll be over in 10. Hang tight, okay?"

"Thank you, Erica."

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