Chapter 10

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(In my time of dying, S2 E1)

"Erica?" She slowly turned around at the sound of her name, coming face-to-face with her best friend.

"Hey Sammy."

"Didn't think you'd be coming around." Sam muttered, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Sam, I want to apologize. I shouldn't have even left, let alone cut contact with you. You can yell at me and tell me to piss off, and I'll do it, because I should have been there for you and-" Sam wrapped his arms around Erica, silencing her, as he rested his chin on top of her head, tears welling in his eyes.

"I- I'm not angry, just please don't ever do that to me again." "I don't plan on it." She assured, rubbing his back softly as her head rested on his chest. They weren't really sure how long they stayed like that, but Erica needed to know what was going on, and Sam had no problem going into detail.

"This Azazel guy sounds like a dick." "Oh, you have no idea." Sam replied with a chuckle as they sat against the wall in Dean's room, watching the nurses outside the room.

"So your dad's in the other room?" Sam nodded, "Do- do you think he's gonna make it?" "I think.." Erica looked at Sam, seeing the emotion in his eyes. "You don't sound too happy about that."

"I- don't really know how to feel about it. I mean, you know about most of the jerky things he did, and I want nothing more than to punch him, but he's also my dad." Sam ranted, Erica nodding in response.

"Well, if mommy issues are even remotely similar to daddy issues, then I don't think you should feel bad about wanting him to live and wanting to punch him. I wanted to kick her ass, but I still mourned when she passed. It's an odd thing."

Sam nodded in response, the two going silent as they watched Dean's chest softly rise and fall, his heart monitor beeping in near-unison.

"I'm gonna go check on dad."

Once Sam walked out of the room, Erica was instantly at Dean's side, hesitating before reaching down and holding his hand.

"Dean, I don't- I don't know if you can hear me right now, but if you can, I'm so so sorry. I should have been there, and I- well- wasn't. Please just be okay." Erica ranted, swallowing back any tears.

"Sunshine, I'm right here. Why can't you hear me?"

"Erica, do you know anything about protection spells?" Sam asked after practically barging into the room. She looked at him, tilting her head, "Not a damn thing, why?"

Sam glanced at a piece of paper in his hand before looking back at Erica, "Can you look into these ingredients and figure out what the hell they're for? I have to go meet up with Bobby and get the Colt."

She shrugged, "I'll see what I can find."

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