Chapter 6

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(Pilot, S1 E1)

Erica was stretched out on the backseat of the Impala as Dean drove, and Sam examined a map, looking for where the coordinates his dad left them were.

"Okay, here's where dad went. It's
called Blackwater Ridge, Colorado." Sam informed Dean, his finger on the map.

"Sounds charming. How far?"

"About six hundred miles." Sam replied, already knowing where this conversation was heading.

"Hey, if we shag ass we could make it
by morning." Dean hummed, glancing at his brother.

"Dean.. -" "You're not going, are you?" Dean realized.

Sam sighed, feeling bad for his brother, "I'm sorry, man. I got exams in 10 hours and me and Erica have our interview tomorrow."


Dean pulled up to Sam's apartment building, the taller one wasting no time getting out.

"You want me to drop you off here or take you back to your apartment?" Dean asked Erica, who was still stretched out across the back of the Impala. "Would you mind taking me home?" "Not at all, Sunshine."

Sam leaned through the passenger window, "Call me if you find him, alright?" "Will do." Dean replied sternly.

"See you in a few hours, Eri." Sam said before he walked off, and Dean began to drive, Erica giving him directions.

The pair made it no more than a mile before the radio started to go to static. "Is that why you listen to cassettes?" Erica asked, concern laced in her voice as she leaned over the front seat and switched through every radio station, all of them static.

"No," Dean whispered, checking his watch, which had stopped, "Shit."

"Dean, drive!-" Erica stressed as Dean made a sharp u-turn and sped back to Sam's apartment.

Dean hadn't even slowed the Impala to a stop before Erica got out and ran towards the building, the hunter in close pursuit behind her.

"Sam!" Erica called out after Dean kicked the door down. The two heard Sam yelling, and they ran towards the bedroom.

Erica stood frozen in place at the sight of her best friend on the ceiling, surrounded by fire and blood staining her nightgown.

Dean wrestled with Sam to pull him out of the room, also having to pull Erica with him.

"No! No! Jess!" Sam screamed, struggling against his brothers grasp.

Dean pulled them both out of the building as the fire alarm began to blare, and people evacuated the apartments.

Sam leaned against the Impala, trying to control his breathing as Dean checked on Erica. "Hey, hey. Look at me, sunshine." He said softly, cupping her face so she would look at him. "Dean- Jesse, she- we need to go back-" Erica stressed, putting her hand on Dean's shoulders to try and push him away. "Erica, we can't go back. Jess is gone."

Erica took a deep breath as she looked at the building, Sam, and then back at Dean as several fire trucks pulled up. Although Dean greatly debated it beforehand, he pressed a kiss to the bridge of Erica's nose. "It's gonna be okay, I promise." He assured before leaving her side and checking on Sam.


Police officers stood in the parking lot, interviewing several of the people who had been evacuated.

Sam and Erica stood next to each other, looking into the trunk of the Impala before Sam grabbed and loaded a gun.

"Are..- Are you leaving?" Sam asked hesitantly, glancing at his best friend. "Not if you need me." She replied simply. "Eri, I know you. Every time something traumatic happens in your life, you want to be alone, and more importantly, you want to pick up and go. I have Dean, not that he's the best emotional support, but he's my brother. I'll be okay."

"Promise?" "Promise."

"You coming with us, Sunshine?" Dean asked as he walked back to the Impala.

"I need a bit of time, but I'll meet up with you guys at some point, alright?" Erica replied, hugging Sam, "Let me know if you find your old man before then."

"Will do." Dean said, him and Erica hesitating before wrapping their arms around each other.

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