Chapter 23

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Dean and Sam unlocked Bobby's door, the older hunter fighting to stay awake. They went to the only room in the house which had a light on, the kitchen, and came face-to-face with a disheveled and cleary drunk Erica.

"Morning, Sunshine." Dean hummed with a smirk on his face, immediately being shut down by a glare from Erica.

"What the hell is wrong with you two? What kind of shit is going on in your head to make you think I wouldn't want to know about this?!" Erica yelled, her words very obviously slurred.

"Eri- I mean- you had problems of your own. We just- didn't want to make things harder for you." Sam explained in a calm tone, physically feeling guilt in his body.

The youngest hunter turned away from the brothers, running a hand through her slightly tangled hair before attempting to grab a half-drinken beer off the table, only for Dean to take it before she could.

"How much have you had to drink?

"Don't act like you care." Erica grumbled back, Dean and Sam sharing a glance before the older brother set the bottle down just out of Erica's reach.

"Eri, we do care-" "No- no- that's not how caring works. Caring about someone is a 2-way street. You care about someone who cares about you, atleast thats the way it should be. You trust someone because they trust you. Why couldn't you trust that I trusted you? Why couldn't you care that I care about you?"

Sam avoided eye contact with the worked-up brunette that was currently glaring daggers into his eyes. "Would- would you trust us if we promised to never do anything like this again?"

Erica bit the inside of her already very bit up cheek, faintly tasting blood before she clenched her jaw to keep from continuing the bad habit. "I'll trust you if you make and keep a promise like that. Besides, do something like this again, and I'll shoot you. That goes for both of you."

Dean looked up at Erica after feeling her gaze become directed at him, and only then did he get a good look at her and painfully realize just how hot she looked when she was angry. It was a bad time, but he was tired, and the way her arms looked as her fingernails dug into her palm, and the way her eyes looked darker than  he had ever seen them made him feel tingly in all the right spots. It also didn't help the way her hair was disheveled or how her lips looked ridiculously perfect in the dim lighting of the kitchen.

"Eri, I promise something like this is never gonna happen again. From now on, Dean and I will tell you everything if you promise to tell us everything."

Erica nodded, finally starting to cool off after hours of aggravation.

"I'll- I'll tell you everything in the morning. I think we all need sleep." She admitted.

Dean nodded but suddenly paused. "Hang on- question- where the hell's Bobby?"

Erica snickered, "Once he heard you two were coming, he booked it to the nearest case. Some ghost in central Nebraska, he's okay, though. He's got a buddy with him."

The trio went silent for a moment, only taking quick glances at each other when they knew the others weren't looking.

"Okay, we- we need to go to bed. Dean can hardly keep his head up, and you, Eri, are gonna wake up with a hell of a hangover, so your gonna need all the sleep you can get. I'll take the couch, you two can sleep in Eri's room." Sam determined, Erica and Dean scoffing and spealing at the same time"I don't wanna sleep with him(her)!"

Sam rolled his eyes, "The hell you don't."

The blonde walked out of the kitchen and instantly flopped on the couch, leaving the other two in an awkward silence.

"I'll sleep on top of the covers-" "Shut up, Dusky. You're sleeping under the damn covers, and that's that." Erica growled before walking through the house and up the stairs, Dean in close pursuit. "We've never slept in the same bed!" The younger hunter turned around half-way up the stairs.

"Are you drunk too?" "Maybe- just a little bit." Erica continued up the stairs. "So, to translate that from idiot language, you're definitely drunk."

Dean rolled his eyes at the previously made reference, but he couldn't help the small smirk that played on his lips. This should be interesting.

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