Chapter 19

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(Bloodlust, S2 E3)

The trio walked into the bar, heading straight for the bartender.

"How's it going?" Dean asked, leaning against the counter.

"Living the dream. What can I get for you?"

"Three beers, please." Dean asked despite the glare he received from Erica.

"So, we're looking for some people."
Sam started.

"Sure, hard to be lonely." The
bartender replied with a shrug.

"Yeah, but that's not what he
meant." Erica hummed, pulling out a $50 and sliding it across the counter. The bartender looked at Erica before looking back at the bill and taking it.

"Right. So these people, they
would have moved here about six
months ago, probably pretty rowdy,
like to drink." Sam explained.

"Yeah, yeah, real night owls, you
know? Sleep all day, party all night."
Dean added.

"Barker farm got leased out a couple
months ago. Real winners. They've been in here a lot, drinkers. Noisy.
I've had to 86 them once or twice." The bartender replied.

"Thanks." Dean replied, Erica grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the bar before they could get the beers.

Sam froze in place, staring off into an alley.

"What?-" Erica started, but Dean put a finger to his lip, gesturing for her to be quiet before pointing towards a figure in the alley.

The brothers slowly pulled knifes from their jackets, but something kept Erica still. Her heart and head were pounding, and she couldn't quite remember the last time she took a breath.

"Hey-" Sam whispered, putting his hand on her shoulder, "What's wrong?"

Erica didn't reply, as she pushed Sam's hand off her shoulder and began walking towards the frozen figure at the end of the alley.

Dean and Sam glanced at each other before their attention was drawn to the shattering street lamps in the alley.

The brothers followed Erica down the alley before reaching the figure. The man turned his face away from the hunter, the knife he was holding flying out of his grasp across the alley.

"What- what the hell are you?" He growled, Erica taking a deep breath before stepping away from him.

"Erica- what the actual hell was that?" Dean begged, making the brunette look at him by cupping her face.

The hunter looked back at the beginning of the alley before looking back at Dean, "I don't- I don't know." Erica replied, her shaky voice hardly more than a whisper.

Dean hesitated before directing his attention back to the man, making sure to keep Erica behind him.

"Show us your smile." He demanded, him and Sam both pointing their knifes at him.

"What? No-"

"Show us those pearly whites." Sam growled, taking a step towards the man.

"Oh, for the love of- you want to stick that thing someplace else? I'm not a vampire." The man grumbled, "Yeah, that's right. I heard you guys in there."

"What do you know about vampires?" Sam asked.

"How to kill them. Now, seriously, what the hell was that?" The man begged, gesturing to Erica.

"That's none of your damn business. Now, is it really that hard for you to show us your pearly whites?" Dean replied.

The man took a step the direction away from them, no longer feeling like he couldn't move, but Sam instantly pressed him back against the wall.

"Whoa. Easy there, Chachi." He grumbled before lifting up his lip to reveal normal teeth, "See? Fangless. Happy?"

Sam glared at him before letting him go, the brothers pocketing their weapon.

"Now, who -and what- the hell are you?"


Sam and Dean stood outside of the Impala, talking to the man, Gordon Walker, while Erica stayed in the car.

Her head had finally stopped pounding, and the reality of what just happened hit her like a truck.

In that moment, she had no control over her body. All she knew was that in that moment, Gordon was the bad guy, and she had 'taken care' of him.

"What the hell was that?" Sam demanded as him and Dean got in the Impala.

"I don't know- I- it's like I didn't have control over my body."

Dean and Sam glanced at each other before looking at Erica, the older hunter suddenly splashing holy water in her face.

Erica spit the water that had gotten in her mouth out of the window, despite the very strong urge to spit it in Dean's face.

"Are you happy now?"

Dean pursed his lips, "Yeah- sorry."

"Guys- we're getting off topic. Eri, was there any voice? Maybe, in your head?" Sam asked, not really sure if he should be angry at Erica or not.

"No- I'm not a nutcase! Listen, I don't know what happened, I could see what I was doing, I definitely wasn't hearing any voices. It's just like my body was subconsciously doing it."

"I mean- Gordon doesn't want help on this case, so we're free. But what the hell do we even do about this? Like, do we take her to someone? Who? We can't exactly take her to the doctors." Dean stressed.

Sam only shook his head, looking out of his window as he thought.

"I don't know, Bobby maybe?"

"I think that's our only option, Sammy. Anybody else who could help us would shoot her first."

Erica cleared her throat, reminding the brothers that she was still there. "Maybe, just maybe, you could start with talking with me and not about me. That would be great. Second, it would be nice if you didn't mention the fact that other hunters would shoot me before helping me. Not exactly a reassuring thought."

The brothers glanced at each other again before looking back at Erica, apologetic looks on their faces.

"Sunshine, everything will be fine. We'll take care of this." Dean soothed, Erica looking away from him to blink the tears out of her eyes.

"Don't talk to me like a damn child, Dean. Just- drive, please."

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