Chapter 17

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(Everybody loves a clown, S2 E2)

After Dean and Erica finally got to the Circus, they rooted through a chest in the same place where the blind man was throwing daggers.

"Got it." Dean declared as he held up the silver dagger, smirking at Erica, who rolled her eyes.

"Hey!" Sam yelled before running into the Circus tent.

"Well, hello to you too." Erica sassed, Sam taking a deep breath.

"So, Cooper thinks I'm a peeping tom, but it's not him."

"Yeah, so we gathered. I think it's the blind guy." Dean said as he twirled the blade in between his fingers, Erica taking it from him so he didn't hurt himself.

"Now, we just gotta find him," Sam said, looking around, "I have an idea."

"That's scary." Erica muttered as the three ran out of the tent towards a funhouse. Just as the three got in, a door slammed, separating Erica from the brothers.

"Erica! Erica?" Dean called through the door as he tried to get it open.

"Eri, you have to find the maze!" Sam yelled.

Erica cursed under her breath as a smoke machine rattled alive, and fog poured out of it, an invisible figure showing up through the smoke. The hunter lunged at it, the figure throwing her off.

She reached for the blade, but it was just out of reach as the figure knocked her to the ground, and she fought to keep it off her.

Suddenly, the figure flickered from invisible to its clown persona as blood dripped from its abdomen before it disappeared. Dean and Sam stood above Erica, the older brother twisting the bloody blade in between his fingers.

"Nice job, sunshine." Dean sassed with a smirk as he helped Erica up.

"You okay?" Sam asked as he examined Erica's body for any injuries, the brunette nodding in response.

"So- is it, like, over?" Erica questioned as Dean hid the knife in his jacket before the three walked out.

Sam shrugged, "Pretty much, yeah."

Erica stopped walking, tilting her head slightly, "We ditched the van, how the hell do we get back to the roadhouse?"


After a claustrophobic bus ride and a 20 minute walk, the trio finally arrived at the roadhouse.

"Damn, the case bit somebody in the ass." Ellen commented sarcastically as the three rolled their eyes.

"Where you guys been? Been waitin'
for ya." Ash asked as he walked into the main room.

"We were working a job, Ash.
Clowns?" Sam reminded.

"Clowns? What the-" Ash grumbled, confused.

"You got something for us, Ash?" Dean asks as the blonde sat a laptop down on the bar.

"Did you find the demon?" Sam asked hopefully.

"It's nowhere around. At least
nowhere I can find. But if this fugly
bastard raises his head, I'll know. I
mean, I'm on it like Divine on dog
dookie." Ash replied confidently.

"The- what the shit?" Erica grumbled tiredly, the man's words going through one ear and out the other.

Ash rolled his eyes before explaining, "If any demon signs or omens appear, anywhere in the world, my rig'll go off- like a fire alarm."

"Do you mind...?" Dean asked, reaching for the laptop, but at Ash's dirty look, he retracted.

"Ash, where did you learn to do all
this?" Sam asked.

"M.I.T. Before I got bounced for...
fighting." Ash replied casually, like going to M.I.T. was a normal thing.

"What the shit?" Erica grumbled, even more confused than she was earlier, her tired state making her brain hurt.

"It's a school in Boston." Erica gave him a deadpan expression before resting her head on the bar.

"Okay. Give us a call as soon as you
know something."' Dean said, standing up, before helping Erica do the same.

"Si, si, compadre." Ash commented, doing a finger salute as the trio walked away.

"Hey- if you kids ever need a place to stay, I've got a couple beds in the back." Ellen said, gesturing behind her.

"Thanks, but no. There's something we gotta finish." Dean replied assuringly.

"Right, you kids stay safe, alright? And Erica, good luck with these two."

Erica smiled, "Thanks, I need all the luck I can get."

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