Chapter 14

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(Everybody loves a clown, S2 E2)

"Sam- no, you do it!" Dean countered, pushing Sam towards the door to the back room.

"What- no, dude, they might still be making out back there-" Sam whispered back.

Ellen sighed from behind them, "You two are like five year olds." Dean and Sam shared an annoyed glance as Ellen opened the door.

Erica and Jo sat against the wall in the midst of a fit of giggles.

"Sunshine, we gotta go, Ellen caught wind of a case. Something to do in the next," Dean checked his watch, "50 hours."

"Ugh, fine," She grumbled, giving Jo a peck on the cheek before walking out and putting her hand up to her ear like a phone, "Call me."


"You've got to be kidding me, killer clowns?" Dean grumbled as he drove.

"Yeah, he left the daughter unharmed and killed the parents. Ripped them to pieces, actually." Sam informed, tapping his finger against his thigh.

"This should be a fun case for Sammy." Erica replied with a grin. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." He grumbled back.

"Wasn't this family at some weird carnival that night?" Dean asked. "Right, the Cooper Carnivals."

"Ugh, I friggin' hate carnivals." Erica grumbled, resting her head on the top of the front seat.

Sam chuckled as Dean glanced at her, confusion on his face. "What's so bad about carnivals? There's rides, food, games, the whole 9-yards!"

"Childhood trauma. Not to mention the people. Crowds freak me out." Erica replied.

Dean nodded in reply, making a mental note before talking to Sam, "So, how do you know we're not
dealing with some psycho in a clown

"Well, the cops have no viable leads,
and all the employees were tearing
down shop. Alibis all around. Plus, this girl said she saw a clown vanish into thin air. Cops are saying trauma, of course." Sam replied.

"When is it ever just trauma?" Erica muttered, Dean snickering in reply.

"So these types of murders, they ever
happen before?" Dean asked. "Yeah, according to the file, 1981, the Bunker Brothers Circus, same M.O. It happened three times, three different locales," Sam informed, before looking back at Erica, "Did you get all that?"

"Not really- but how hard can this hunting thing really be?" "You've never been on a real hunt? I mean, you didn't know what was going on most of the time we were working on the Woman in White case, but you didn't do anything when you disappeared?" Dean rambled back in confusion.

"I spent the whole time researching what the hell a Deity was, and I still hardly know." Erica admitted. When she first started, she couldn't begin to imagine how hard it would be. Even months into her hunt, the best she could find was angels, but everyone with even a shred of common sense knew angels didn't exist.

"It's weird though, I mean- if it's a spirit, then they're usually tied to one place or person." Dean mumbled, zoning out as he thought about it.

"So how's this one moving from city
to city, carnival to carnival?" Sam asked.

"Cursed object, maybe. Spirit attaches itself to something, and the carnival carries it around with them." Dean replied.

"It's like a paranormal scavenger hunt." Erica said with a snicker.

"By the way, why were you so quick to jump on this job?" Dean asked, glancing at Sam. "I don't know- I mean, dad would have wanted us to do this case, and it's not like we're abandoning the demon project. Ash is working on it back at the Roadhouse. He's got it under control."

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