Chapter 24

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This chapter is dedicated to Downtownsdfghj . Told ya I would, so I did. Hope you enjoy, Iduna!
- Your dead husband, Agnarr

It wasn't long after Dean and Erica layed down on opposite sides of the bed had they crashed.

Dean was the first one to start stirring once the sun started blaring in his eyes. His head was killing him, but a bottle of asprin and a glass of water sat on the bedside table. Erica was still completely out next to him, but he could hear Sam talking to someone downstairs, presumably Bobby.

"Dean." Erica mumbled, interrupting his reach for the medicine. "Morning Sunshine." He hummed back softly. The brunette opened her eyes, but quickly shut them again, pointing to the window.

"You want me to close the curtains?" Erica only groaned in response, Dean figuring that was a yes and obledging. He heard his brother downstairs mention that somebody must be up, but Dean had no intentions of going down just yet.

He crawled back into bed, not bothering to go under the covers. Suddenly, Dean practically froze as Erica wrapped an arm around his waist, nuzzling her face in his side.

"Why are you so tense?" She asked, her voice barely audible.

"What- I'm not- I'm not tense." Dean replied, chuckling slightly, trying to relax his body.

The two were emerged in silence before Dean cautiously rested his right hand on her back, hesitating before starting to rub it softly.

"Hey- question." Erica hummed in response, making Dean continue. "Are we- are we good now?"

Erica moved her head to rest on his chest and looked up at him. "If you keep your promise."

"Right- the promise to like never-ever keep a big secret? Wait- what's defined as a big secret?" Erica huffed, not really feeling like talking to Dean, as she was still very out of it, but she responded anyway. "Demon blood, that counts as a big secret." "That's fair."

At the sound of Sam and Bobbys voices growing louder from the room below them, the couple rolled their eyes. "They sound like they're having fun." Erica murmured, tracing a pattern on Dean's chest, slightly disappointed he slept with a shirt on. "Yeah," Dean agreed with a chuckle, finding it hard to breathe with Erica's small motion, "Bobby isn't exactly happy with this whole situation either."

"You're kidding me." Erica gasped dramatically, "You told Bobby before me?" Dean scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah- sorry..?"

Erica scoffed, feeling pissed at Dean, but it was so hard to be mad at him when the way his hand softly rubbed her back made her heart flutter in her chest.

They fell into a comfortable silence, their breath falling into unison.

"You know," Dean began, his voice low as to not tick off his or Erica's headache, "Last night- last night I woke up and I couldn't really fall back asleep at that point, and I was just thinking-"

"That's scary." Erica muttered sarcastically, Dean rolling his eyes and smirking before continuing. "I was thinking about us."

The younger hunter looked up at him, her breath hitching in her throat as she realized where this might be going.

"Sunshine- I've been- I've been thinking and I'm really, really happy when you're around. I mean- I don't wanna take anything too quick because God forbid I scare you off, but this- this is important to me."

Dean looked down at her laying on his chest, the two making eye contact before Dean pushed a stray curl behind Erica's ear.

"Do you- do you wanna make this official?"

"Yeah-" Erica whispered, "If you ask me right."

She couldn't really believe that she had said that so effortlessly and confidently because she was internally freaking out right now. This was actually happening, and God forbid she accidently mess this up.

Dean took a deep breath, not wanting to have to pause halfway through, before speaking, "Erica, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

The words felt caught in Erica's throat, so she nodded.


Erica rolled her eyes, but the smirk on her face was prominent. "Yes, Dean, I'll be your girlfriend."

Dean smiled, and at first, he intended it to be a smirk, but it just ended up a giddy smile as he brushed a hand over her cheek, then cupped her face in his palm.

"I love you, Sunshine."

"I love you too, Dusky." She whispered back, leaning into his touch.

Dean hesitated before closing the distance between them. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but everything the two had been feeling was being reflected into this moment.

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