Chapter 9

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(In my time of dying, S2 E1)

The other line went quiet, and Erica began to think Sam hung up until his slightly staticy voice started, "Erica? Where the hell have you been?"

"It's a really long story, Sammy. I just- I felt bad not letting you know I was okay, so.. Here we are." Erica mumbled, feeling overwhelmed by guilt.

"Well- I have time. Tell me why you had to go MIA." Sam demanded, his aggravation prominent. "Sam, you have to understand, something big is going on, and I have to figure out what it is. I just- I don't want you boys to get hurt." Erica replied softly, trying to ease him into understanding.

"Hate to tell you, but your hard work trying to keep me and Dean out of danger failed. Shit went down, and..-" Sam paused, sighing softly, "I dont think Dean's gonna make it."

Erica felt the breath hitch in her throat, instantly feeling sick to her stomach, "Where..- Where are you guys?"

"You care?"

"Sam.. Please." Erica begged.

Sam sighed, "Memphis Red Cross hospital, Tennessee."

"I'll be there in a few hours."


Erica hadn't lied, after rounding up her stuff and throwing her bag in the trunk of her Ford, she hit the road.

It was a 12 hour drive between Sioux Falls and Memphis Tennessee, 12 hours for Erica to think about what she did. She knew she should have been there. She should've protected them. Of course, she didn't have a clue what the situation was, or if Dean was even still going to be alive by the time she got there, but she would have been there if she could.

But she wasn't, and now Dean was dying, and Erica couldn't help but feel like it was her fault. It wasn't the first time Erica put the blame on herself. Who else's fault could it have been? She could have noticed her sister's symptoms before anyone else. She should have noticed the change in her behavior. Maybe if she had, her little sister would have gotten treatment sooner, and she wouldn't be dead. 


Once Erica pulled into the hospital parking lot, she wasted no time running in and finding out where Dean was.

"Excuse me? Do you know where I can find a 'Dean Winchester'?" Erica asked the lady at the front desk, who looked like she could care less about the world around her. "Relation to the patient?"

Erica hesitated before responding, "Uhm- girl- girlfriend."

After she got the room number, she rushed up several sets of stairs to find her 'boyfriend.' Erica finally found his room and looked into the window on the door, seeing Dean hooked up to several monitors and IV's, covered in bandages and casts in various places.

"Erica?" She slowly turned around at the sound of her name, coming face-to-face with her best friend.

"Hey Sammy."

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