Chapter 8

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(Between Devils trap, S1 E22, and In my time of dying, S2 E1)

Erica wasn't sure when she fell asleep, but when she woke up, the sound of Bobby on the phone downstairs filled her head. The sun creeped over the horizon as Erica creeped down the stairs, trying to avoid any creaky steps.

"No - yes, I know it's been months, Dean, but she's upstairs right now. She said she needed help with research. She was looking into black-eyed children," Bobby paused, "Yes, Dean. She's okay. Just seems a little overwhelmed by the whole hunting thing. "

Oh, you have no idea.

Erica tried to listen more, but Bobby began walking towards the foyer, forcing her to go back upstairs before she was seen.

"I dont think you boys should come. If she wanted to see you, she would have done so already." Erica cursed under her breath. She couldn't see the boys, not now. As much as she loved them, they would just mess everything up. Plus, pulling them into the situation Erica was in would put them in danger, and that's the last thing she wanted.

Erica peaked around the corner of the wall, watching Bobby put on his coat and leave the house. Finally. The younger hunter went back down the stairs and into Bobby's library, instantly beginning to root through his desk and books for anything that might help her.

Suddenly, Erica paused at the sound of a gun cocking. She held her hands up as she turned away from the bookshelf and towards the older hunter. "I knew I had a bad feeling about you."

"It's not- it's not what you think, I can explain." Erica assured, Bobby lowering the gun, but still keeping it cocked.

"Have you ever heard the word 'Deity'? Do you know what it means?" "It's old French, means leader, creater, or god."

Erica nodded, but Bobby was still very confused. "And, do you know who the ultimate Deity is?"

"Yeah, God, if your into that."

"Well..- Big man upstairs is looking for a replacement," Erica paused, "And I'm trying to figure out who that is."

Bobby stayed quiet, racking her words through his head, trying to make sense of it. "I got a tip from a Crossroads Demon about a book. He said you had it."

"A Crossroads demon? How the hell does he know what I have?"

Erica shrugged, "His name was Crowley. Seemed to know what he was doing."

"Wait a minute- you didn't make a deal?-" "No- no, I'm not that stupid. I just- may or may not have tortured him for information. He was a tough nut to crack, but here we are."

Bobby un-cocked his gun, setting it on his desk, the two being submerged into silence for a moment.

"Why are you so afraid to let the boys help?" "You know how they are. They don't exactly make friends with everything they see. If they pissed off the next Deity, we'd be screwed."

Bobby nodded understandingly, "Can you at least tell the boys you're okay? They've been worried sick about you."

This time, Erica nodded understandingly. She knew she should have called the boys a long time ago, and they at least deserved to know that she was alive and okay.

"Do- do you think they're busy?"

"To busy for you? Never."


Bobby hit the books, researching for something that might actually help Erica, while she sat on the front porch, Sam's phone number on speeddial.

Finally, after what felt like hours of procrastinating it, she hit the call button.

The sound of the call ringing pounded into her head like sirens, but it didn't last long.


"Hey Sammy."

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