Chapter 20

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The drive to Bobby's was tense, to say the least. Erica had chosen to try and sleep, which left Sam and Dean taking nervous glances into the rearview every 5 minutes. It felt like having a pinless bomb in the backseat, not sure when it might explode.

The brothers let out a sigh of relief as the rusted Singer Auto sign came into view. Once the Impala was parked, Erica, despite sleepy protests, followed the brothers up the eroded steps of the old house.

The youngest hunter wrapped her arms around herself, wanting to feel closer to herself and farther from the boys.

Dean rapped on the door several times, and after a few seconds, it creaked open.

"I was starting to wonder if you three were stopping to sleep." Bobby sassed but stepped out of the way to invite them in.

"D'you find anything in the books?" Dean asked, silently offering to take Erica's flannel, the brunette shaking her head, "Wait, is that my flannel?" Erica pursed her lips, "Maybe."

Sam and Bobby glanced at each other before looking back at the couple, the younger hunter feeling grateful that neither of them were struggling too much.

"I didn't find much in my books, but a friend of mine has something that might help. I just have to figure out how to get to it without them being too suspicious."

Dean bit the inside of his cheek hesitantly, "Bobby, can I talk to you privately?"

The older man's expression changed into one of confusion, but he walked into the kitchen anyway, Dean in close pursuit.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing- well, I mean, a lot of things, but this is bad. Like really bad. You know what I said on the phone about what happened in the alley. She pulled a full-on poltergeist, Gordon was frozen, and it sure as hell wasn't from fear. I love her, Bobby, and seeing her going through this shit- I want to help her, but I don't know how."

Bobby stayed quiet throughout Dean's rant, continuing his silence for a moment even after.

"You love her?"

"That's what you got out of that?" Dean's voice was strained and impatient, bringing into perspective just how much this was an issue.

"Does she have an anti-possession tattoo yet?" Bobby asked, keeping a few questions in mind to ask so he could better understand.

Dean shook his head, Bobby clicking his tongue. "I guess she couldn't be possessed by anything demonic, not if she made it over my area rug in the foyer.

"Are you positive that it was her that did it? Y'know, pulled a 'poltergeist?'"

"I'm positive, Bobby. She went into this like- state. She said it was just like she was subconsciously doing something."

The two were submerged into an uncomfortable silence, Dean waiting for Bobby to give him an answer. He knew it was probably stupid to expect an answer this soon from the older man, but he needed an answer. More importantly, Erica needed an answer.

"I'm sorry, Dean, but I'm not sure that there's anything I can do until I get that book. I'm not even sure that the book will give us the answers we're looking for." Bobby admitted, Dean sighing.

"Do you think it's safe? To let her just hang around? God knows I really hate to say it, but until we figure this out, she could hurt somebody."

Bobby shrugged, "There's the Bunker in the basement, but I'd rather keep that as a last resort."

Dean tilted his head, "You have a Bunker in the basement? When did that happen?"

"I had a weekend off." Bobby replied simply.


Sam and Erica stood in the foyer while Bobby and Dean talked.

The older hunter wrapped his arm around her shoulder to silently reassure her that he was there for her.

"Are you and Dean gonna have to kill me?" Erica asked softly, her voice cracking slightly when she said Dean's name.

"What? No- Erica, we're gonna do everything we can, and even then, we're not gonna hurt you. I am not going to hurt you." Sam reassured sternly, holding her shoulders softly so she would look at him.

Erica took a shaky breath, tears brimming her eyes, "Sammy, I dont wanna die."

Sam didn't respond, taking a shaky breath himself before wrapping his arms around his best friend.

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