Chapter 2

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(Pilot, S1 E1)

Erica hadn't lied. She had been arrived at Sam's apartment exactly 10 minutes after their call, but the part that scared her was that he wasn't answering.

"Sam?" She called out, "Don't make me kick down this door! Don't doubt me, because I totally will!"

Suddenly the door creaked open and an unfamiliar face greeted her, "Who are you, and why are you so eager to see my brother?"

"Who am I? I'm 'your brothers' best friend! What the hell are you doing in Sam's apartment? Where is he?"

"Dean, I told you to be nice." Sam grumbled, walking up to the door from the other room and greeting Erica.

"You look terrible," She commented, "Now what's he doing here? I thought we didn't like him?"

"What does she mean 'I thought we didn't like him'?" Dean said, sounding accused.

Sam sighed, rubbing his temple. "Erica, come inside. I have to talk to you."


"Your dad's missing? Shouldn't you call like the FBI or something?" Erica suggested, but Sam shook his head.

"We can't do that, at least not yet anyways. Me and Sammy are gonna go for a few days and look for him."

Erica bit her lip, looking from Sam to Dean. "But- you can't leave. Not now! For starters, we both have exams on Monday and what about our interview?" "Your interview?" Dean asked.

"Me and Erica have an interview with the state to start our own law firm on Tuesday." Sam revealed, a proud look on his face.

"I mean- can't you just reschedule?" "We've been working our ass's off for over a year just for this moment. No." Erica replied sternly.

Dean sighed, "Okay, okay, fine. I'll have him back before your exams on Monday."

"Nice you two finally made an agree-" "Can't I go with? I'm a psych major, I'm good at hunting people who go missing if I know enough about them."

Now Sam sighed, throwing his head back against the couch like a child. These two are never gonna make a decision.

"Your funny, sweetheart. You don't have a damn clue about what we do, what we've done our whole lives, what we need to do."

"What you've done your whole lives? You mean the shitty things you and your deadbeat father did to make Sammy want to run away?" She snickered, "I know more than you think I do, Winchester. I've been Sam's only support beam for years, I know."

Dean looked at Sam, "Is this what you've been telling her? What the hell Sammy?" He paused, "Just please tell her to stay here, we can talk about this in the car."



"You heard me, no. She's coming, Dean. I don't think I can mentally handle your shit alone, not now." Sam growled, standing up.

Dean scoffed, "This is insane. Your insane!"


"You have wonderful taste in music." Erica commented from the backseat of the Impala, earning an annoyed sigh from Dean and a snicker from Sam.

"I think you two will get along great." Sam commented as the girl slid a Led Zeppelin cassette into Baby's audiosystem.

"I still think this is a bad idea. Sam, you know better than anyone what we deal with. You really think Sunshine-and-daisies back here can handle it?" Dean commented, gesturing towards the back seat.

"Sunshine and daisies? Damn, you have her all figured out, don't you?" Sam sassed back, "We can talk more about this later. Tell us about dad."

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