Chapter 18

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(Bloodlust, S2 E3)

"Whoo! Listen to her purr! Have you ever heard anything so sweet?" Dean gushed as he drove the Impala for the first time after it was finally fixed back up. Sam and Erica shared a glance, the blonde rolling his eyes while Erica sighed, wondering what the hell her life had come to.

"You know, if you two wanna get a
room, just let us know, Dean." Sam

"Oh, don't listen to him, Baby. He
doesn't understand us."

"Anyways." Erica spoke up, "You two told me we were going on a hunt, but where? What the hell are we hunting?"

"Take it easy, Sunshine. Couple severed heads and a pile of dead cows in Red Lodge. About 300 miles from here."

"Peachy, I'm taking a nap." Erica informed, before getting comfortable in the backseat and using one of Dean's flannels as a blanket.

Sam and Dean shared a concerned glance before waiting exactly 20 minutes to ensure she was asleep before talking.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She hasn't told you yet?"

"Told me what?"

Dean glanced in the rearview mirror, positioning it down slightly so he could keep his eye on Erica.

"Her family's trying to get in contact. I justnhaven't had time to give those dicks a piece of my mind yet."

"What? I mean, how did they even get her number? She changed it after she left for college."

Sam looked back at Erica before looking at his brother, "Anything else between you two that I don't know about?"

"What- no- seriously dude?"

Sam put his hands up in surrender. "I dont know, you guys just seem close."

Dean rolled his eyes, sighing, "Alright, maybe we kissed, and it was nice, but since then, nothing happened. I dont- really get it. Maybe she regrets it, I don't know, but I don't want to lose her, so I'm going at her pace. I'll wait for her."

Sam stayed quiet for a moment after his brother's rant, "Dude, you're so in love."

"That's your response to that? Last time I tell you about this." Dean grumbled, making Sam snicker.


After Sam, Dean, and Erica talked to the sheriff, the oldest began driving towards the morgue.

"I told you guys we should have posed as officers. Now, we have literally nothing. I thought you
guys were supposed to be good at this?" Erica sassed, leaning forward so she could rest her head on the front seat.

"We don't have nothing- I mean, the sheriff denied the ritual possibility. Process of elimination, Sullivan." Dean replied smugly, refusing to admit he knew she was right.

Once they got to the Morgue, the trip walked in to find an intern sitting at the desk.

"John." Dean said

"Jeff." He corrected.

"Jeff. I knew that." Dean replied with a fake laugh, glaring at Erica, who was holding back a snicker. "Dr.
Dworkin needs to see you in his office right away."

"But Dr. Dworkin's on vacation." Jeff replied, tilting his head in confusion.

"Well, he's back, and he's pissed, and he's screaming tor you, man, so it I
were you, I would-" Dean whistled, gesturing to the door, Jeff practically running out. Sam shut the door behind him.

"Okay. Hey, those Satanists in Florida, they marked their victims, didn't they?"

"Those what?" Erica asked in confusion as she glanced at Sam.

"Long story. Anyways, yeah, they did. Reverse pentacle on the forehead." Dean replied, giving bith Sam and Erica a pair of gloves.

Erica groaned, "Do I even want to know what we're doing with these?"

"You literally dissected a brain in college for one of your psych classes, you'll be fine." Sam replied, rolling his eyes.

"Doesn't mean I liked it." She grumbled back as Dean opened one of the Morgue doors and pulled out a gurney. All that was on the gurney was a box.

"Alright, open it." Dean said, gesturing to Sam.

"You open it!" He retorted.

Dean and Sam looked at Erica.

"Where's Ellen? I need more of that luck shit, 'Cause it's wearing out. Friggin' wuss'." She grumbled sarcastically as she grabbed the box, setting it on a nearby table before opening it.

"Well, no pentagram."

"Wow. Poor girl." Sam mumbled.

"Maybe we should, uh, you know,
look in her mouth, see if those wackos stuffed anything down her throat. You know, kinda like the moth in Silence of the Lambs." Dean said, Erica glaring at him.

"Well then, you better find me a bucket before I do this because it sounds like you want me to puke." Erica sassed.

Dean rolled his eyes but obledged anyways, hunting the room for a trashcan.

Hesitantly, Erica started to dig around the woman's mouth, Sam holding her hair back while Dean held the trashcan.

"Wait- what's that?" Erica asked, glancing at the boys who looked equally confused before looking back at it.

"It looks like a hole or something." Dean mumbled before pressing the hole and causing a small yet very sharp tooth to appear.

"It's a tooth." Sam noted.

"Damn, you cracked the case, Sherlock. " Erica retorted, Sam giving her his bitch face.

"Sam, that's a fang. Retractable set of
vampire fangs. You gotta be kidding
me." Dean informed.

"Well, this changes things." Sam hummed.

"You think?" Dean and Erica sassed in unison.

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