Chapter 11

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(In my time of Dying, S2 E1)

After Sam left, Erica got on his computer, looking for anything that would help her figure out what the hell Sam wanted her to do. She knew she should have known more about protection spells, but finding the Deity was her top priority up until now.

Nearly an hour went by before Erica found what she was looking for, and she was pissed.

"John! You asshole, what the hell are you thinking?" Erica yelled, after barging into the oldest Winchesters room.

"What the hell are you talking about? I hardly even know who the hell you are!" John snapped back.

"Don't lie, John. I found my name in your damn diary, I'm Sam's best friend. You know. But I'm not worried about that at the moment, I'm worried about this 'protection' spell."

He scoffed, "Keep your nose out of it. This is a family matter and your barging your ass into it! The boys were wrong, you are just a pathetic little bitch-" John was interrupted by a glass of water being knocked off the table and shattering on the floor.

"Damn, didn't know I could do that."

The two looked outside the window into the hallway and watched nurses rushing back and forth.

"Somethings going on out there." John muttered.

"Yeah, no shit sherlock." Erica hissed back before leaving the room.


A few minutes after Erica went back to Dean's room, Sam came back.

"Colt safe?" "Don't think it can be any safer," Sam replied with a gentle smile, "Did you find anything on that protection spell? I got the ingredients."

Erica cursed under her breath, "I'm sorry, I should have called you. It's not a protection spell, the opposite, actually."

"Seriously? So what, it's a summoning spell? For what?" "Demon." Sam cursed under his breath.

"Hey- Sam?" He looked at Erica, who had stood up, "Something happened, in John's room. I- I think Dean is here."

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