Chapter 25

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Sam sat downstairs, hand wrapped around a cup of coffee, Bobby sitting adjacent to him at the dinner table, nursing a beer.

"Erica was pretty pissed off yesterday. She was drinking a lot, too." Sam explained, Bobby shaking his head in response.

"I dont blame her for getting drunk. You and Dean pulled a pretty bitchy move here, considering."

"Considering what?" Sam asked, the older hunter grumbling 'idgit' under his breath.

"Considering, all the phone calls you were going to 'take care of.'" Bobby responded, glaring at him before taking a swig of his beer.

Sam scoffed, "What the hell are you talking about? Dean and I took care of that. Their numbers were blocked."

Bobby shook his head, "Well, they must be using a new number then. If I were you, I'd answer one of them and give 'em hell. Least you could do."

Sam bit the inside of his cheek. At first, he felt slightly offended that Erica wouldn't tell them that they were calling again, but it was stupidly obvious. She was a psych major. She had quite literally dissected the human brain. She could definitely tell when someone was lying. It only really hit Sam then, that Erica had probably known that they were lying for months, and the thought made the coffee in front of him look repulsing.

"Why do I have a feeling I really screwed everything up?"

Bobby sighed, a brief look of sympathy showing on his face, "Erica likes to pretend she's all strong and tough, but she's just as broken as both you and Dean. I've seen her in some vulnerable moments lately, and truth is, she's got a soft spot for the both of you. You're still her best friend, after all of this. I think that tells you what you need to know."

Sam looked up, hearing a faint creaking sound above them. "Someone's up. I snuck up there and left some asprin earlier. They were both drunk last night, I figured they could use it."

"Deam was drunk last night?" Bobby asked, his brow furrowed.

"Yes- but no- he wasn't driving if that's what you were wondering. I drove."

The older hunter nodded, feeling relieved, but he figured that there were plenty of times Dean did drive drunk.

"Hey- question," Sam started, Bobby gesturing for him to continue, "Were you helping Erica learn French?"

Bobby shrugged, "She was determined, I had nothing better to do. She caught on pretty quick."

"Great, now she can taunt me in Spanish and French. This should be good." Sam grumbled, thinking back on all the times Erica had taunted him in Spanish because, truthfully, he sucked at it.

"Alright, I'd love to stay and chat, but Rupert's been pesturing me on hunting down some ingredients for a spell, so..-" "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Uh- stay safe, alright?"

"Yeah, good luck." Bobby patted the Winchesters shoulder before walking out. Sam rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his coffee. It hardly had a taste, but the hunter knew that it was him rather than the coffee. Bobby had a point. Maybe calling back Erica's family was a good idea. Although, it would probably piss Erica off even more than she already was, and that wasn't really what Sam was going for.

A couple hours later, Dean and Erica had finally made their way to the kitchen, the youngest hunter instantly snatching Sam's coffee from him.

"How long have you been up?" Dean asked, stretching before suppressing a yawn.

"Since 7. Bobby left to get some stuff for a friend of his."

"Weirdo." Erica grumbled, taking a last sip of coffee before surrendering the cup back to Sam.

Sam glared at her, rolling her eyes at the half-drinken mug. "Are you guys ready to..- Y'know- Talk..?"

The couple glanced at each other nervously, Dean taking the first move to sit next to Sam at the table, pulling out a chair for Erica. The girl hesitated, feeling slightly comforted by Sam's reassuring smile before sitting next to Dean.

"So.. Who wants to go first?" Erica questioned, trying and failing to make light of the situation.

"Eri, why didn't you tell us that the phone calls were still going?"

Dean scoffed, looking at Sam before glaring at Erica. "They're still calling you?"

"Diving right in, I see." Erica mumbled, her sarcasm being shut down by the boys' looks, "Okay, can you blame me? I knew you two were lying to me for months, so I wasn't exactly comfortable mentioning it."

Dean sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. This just changed the way he felt about their intimate moment this morning.

"Why would they even start to call you now? You left at 18, that was 4 years ago." Sam questioned.

"I dont- I don't know. Maybe they found out I dropped out of college, maybe they need money, maybe somebody died. I wish I had a damn clue." Erica replied, her voice small.

Dean and Sam shared a guilty glance before looking back at Erica.

"Why don't- Why don't we worry about that later? How about- how about me and Dean explain the whole demon blood thing?" Sam asked, pushing the coffee mug towards Erica so she could have the last sips.

"Yeah- yeah, good plan."

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