Chapter 26

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(Simon said, S2 E5)

After Sam and Dean explained everything, the trio made the choice to continue hunting down the other 'special kids' and yellow-eyes. Hunting down those things led them to a brief stop at the Roadhouse, despite Erica's subtle complaints in the back seat.

Once they reached the Roadhouse, Sam beeline in side, Dean glanced at Erica, who only shrugged, before they followed.

"Just can't stay away, huh?" Jo joked as Sam and Dean stepped inside, but once she caught Erica walking in behind them, her smile faltered.

Dean glared at Jo, although not quite understanding why the girl suddenly looked so toxic. "Yeah- yeah, looks like. Where's Ash?"

"In his back room." Jo gestured to the back of the building, "And I'm fine..-" She muttered as they three walked by.

"Ash? Hey, Ash?" Sam called, knocking on the door, to no avail.

"Hey, Dr. Badass!" Dean tried, knocking.

The lock clicked, and the door cracked open, revealing the upper half of a fully naked Ash.

"Dude- what the hell?" Dean hissed, covering his eyes and subtly stepping inbetwedn him and Erica. Sam's face scrunched up in disgust as he tried to look anywhere but the other side of the door.

"Sam, Dean, Erica, what can I do for you?" Ash asked as though nothing was wrong.

"Hey, Ash. Um... we need your help."
Sam said.

"Well, hell then. Guess I need my
pants." Ash replied.

"Please." Erica grumbled before Ash shut the door.


Ash sat at the table across from Sam, Dean and Erica standing on opposite sides of him.

"Well, I got a match. It's the logo from the Blue Ridge bus lines in Guthrie, Oklahoma." Ash explained, directing his computer towards them.

"Okay. Do me a favor?- Check Guthrie for any demonic signs or omens or anything like that." Sam asked.

Ash furrowed his brows, his confusion prominent. "You think you demons out there?"

"Maybe." Sam replied, shrugging slightly.

"Why would you check that?" Ash pressed but was quickly shut down by the way Dean and Erica glared at him like two gargoyles protecting an entrance.

"No sir, nothing. No demons, no demonic omens. Just nothing."

"All right, try something else for me.
Search Guthrie for a house fire. It
would be 1983, fire's origin would be
a baby's nursery, night of the kid's six month birthday." Sam detailed, Ash looking even more confused than he did before. Erica rolled her eyes, but in the process, she spotted Jo behind the bar, leaning against the door to the closet they had spent some time together.

"Okay, now that is just weird, man.
Why the hell would I be looking for
that?" Ash asked. Sam put a beer bottle next to the laptop.

"Because there's a PBR in it for you."
Sam's voice was low, threatening, but patient. Both Erica and Dean recognized the voice, especially Erica, who knew it from her days of being drunk with Sam. The countless hours he spent trying to get her to go to bed or take an asprin after a long night of partying.

Ash glanced between the three, his eyes settling on Sam, "Give me 15 minutes."


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