Chapter 22

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"I'm sorry- What the actual hell do you mean? Demon blood? And who the hell is yellow-eyes?" Erica growled, Sam and Dean wincing on the other line, already knowing what was coming.

"Erica-" Dean started but was instantly shut down. "Don't you dare even start with that shit- what the hell made you think that I didn't want to know about this?!" Erica practically screamed.

"Will you please let us talk?" Sam begged, Erica taking a deep breath, silently telling the boys that their explanation better be good.

Dean looked out the window of the Impala, biting his lip before speaking, "Few months ago, when dad died, I was supposed to die-" "Ugh, Dean, we talked about this-"

"Dad made a deal with a demon." Dean spoke, cutting right to the chase. Erica went quiet, and for a moment, the brothers thought she might have hung up until her voice came through the call again.

"Yellow-eyes? But how does this tie into the demon blood?" Erica asked, getting impatient.

"When I was exactly 6 months old, Yellow-eyes broke into our house and killed my mom. Then, he bled into my mouth, and now I've started to get these visions. Real visions." Sam explained.

"What the hell, Sammy? You told me your mom died of cancer!" Erica exclaimed.

"That's what you got out of that?" Sam snapped back, clearly annoyed.

Dean cleared his throat, both of the other hunters going quiet. 

"Sunshine, we're coming back. We'll be there-" Dean checked his watch, then glanced at the road map stretching as far as it could fit in the footspace of the Impala, "In ten hours. That puts us in Sioux Falls at 2:30AM if we leave now, which we are. Don't stay up."

"Enfer Non" Erica grumbled, Dean glancing at Sam in confusion.

"English, please?" The oldest hunter asked.

"Hell no." Erica hissed, quickly muttering a 'drive safe' before hanging up the phone.

Dean looked at Sam, confusion on his face. "Why won't she tell us what it meant?"

The younger hunter groaned annoyingly, pinching the bridge of his nose at his brothers stupidity.

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