Chapter 21

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Erica sat at the dining table in Bobby's kitchen, sorting the side pieces from the middle pieces of a puzzle. She wasn't really sure what the final picture was supposed to look like, nor the amount of pieces, but it didn't matter. All she had in her life was questions without answers. What was a couple more?

Dean and Sam left South Dakota yesterday to hunt down a Djinn in Oklahoma, but even the most oblivious people could tell that the brothers were lying through their teeth.

They were also supposed to call when they reached their motel room, but not even a text had come from any of their numbers. Maybe they were in danger, maybe they weren't, Erica wasn't really sure that she cared. The boys left her, the boys were lying to her, what was the point of worrying?

"Sullivan," Bobby called from the room over, Erica pinching the bridge of her nose as she waited for him to continue, "Dean's on the phone."

Erica instantly stood up, nearly tripping over a chair as she made her way to Bobby, the older man handing her the phone.

"Dean? Is everything okay?"

"Fine, Sunshine. Are you okay?"

Erica nodded her head before remembering Dean couldn't see her, "I'm fine, other than I fact that I'm cooped up in this damned house- no offense Bobby- while you and Sam actually do something interesting."

"I'm gonna give you two a little privacy." Bobby grumbled before leaving the room.

The hunter on the other line sighed, hearing the bitterness in the girls voice.

"I know things suck right now, but I promise this won't last. We're working on it. We'll get it taken care of. I'll get it taken care of." Dean assured.

"Yeah- yeah, I know. Just- promise not to totally forget about me up here." She joked, Dean biting the inside of his cheek. "I have to go, Sunshine, but- I- I love you. Sammy and I will be back soon, I promise."

Erica took a deep breath, unsure of whether or not Dean was saying it in vain. She wasn't even sure that when she said it, she wouldn't be saying it in vain, but it never hurt to take a chance.

"I love you too, Dusky. Stay safe."

When the dial tone rang, Erica was positive she had never felt emptier in her life. What the hell even was that? A minute before the call, she practically hated them. She practically hated him. Then his damned voice and the way he said he loved her. It was so genuine.

"You done?" Bobby asked, walking back into the room.

"Yeah- yeah, thank you." Erica replied, taking a deep breath before going back to the kitchen and continuing to work on her puzzle. Then a small smile started forming on her lips, he loves me.


Dean sat in the passenger seat of the Impala, cracking open yet beer as Sam drove.

"What the hell is wrong with you, man? Erica just confirmed that she loves you back. Shouldn't you be happy?" Sam questioned, deeply confused at his brothers behavior.

"Oh no- I'm head over heels at that, but this- this whole demon blood thing, we've been keeping it from her. I mean- this is a huge thing, and she has no idea it's even happening. She's one of us, Sam. Why are we even doing this?" Dean ranted, his words slightly slurred from all the alcohol.

Sam sighed, clicking on his turn signal and turning onto yet another long stretch of road. "We're doing it because Erica has problems of her own. Plus, I don't want her to get hurt, especially with something as serious as this, seeing as she's still technically a rookie on this whole hunting thing."

Dean glared at him, taking a swig of his beer before bitting the inside of his cheek, "You're afraid of all this, aren't you? The demon blood, Eri going all Owbi-Wan. I see right through your shit Sam, and I'm sure if Erica was here, she would too."

This time, Sam glared at Dean before looking back at the road and muttering an incoherent insult under his breath.

"Look, man, I get that you're freaked out by all of this, but you gotta man up. You're not some damned monster either. You weren't a monster before, you sure as hell aren't a monster now."

"How do you think Erica's gonna respond to all of this now? We've been lying to her for months, Dean, ever since Max Miller. She'd be so pissed at us." Sam replied, keeping his voice low so as not to make his growing migrane feel worse.

"Imagine how pissed she's gonna be if she finds out about it after it's all over. Or, even better yet, just how guilty she would feel if one of us got hurt or died, and she wasn't there."

Sam tapped his finger against the wheel, biting the inside of his cheek nervously as he did so. Dean held up his phone, almost taunting his brother.

"Your call, Sammy-o."

"Call her."

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