Chapter 5

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(Pilot, S1 E1)

The two stood squished in a phone booth, Dean putting the quarters in
and dialing Sam's number.

"Why do phone booths have to be so damn small?" Erica ranted, making Dean shush her as Sam picked up.

"Fake 911 phone call? Sammy, I don't
know, that's pretty illegal." Dean said with a smirk.

Erica stood on her toes and pressed
her ear to the phone to hear Sam.

'You're welcome." Sam said confidently, making the girl snicker.

"Listen, we gotta talk." Dean muttered, his nervousness prominent to Erica.

"Tell me about it. So the husband
was unfaithful. We're definitely dealing with a woman in white. And she's buried behind her old house, so that should have been dad's next stop." Sam ranted, obviously proud of his work.

"Sammy, would you shut up for a
second?" Erica hissed, her hand on Dean's shoulder so she could better stable herself.

"I just can't figure out why dad hasn't destroyed the corpse yet."

"Well, that's what we're trying to tell you. He's gone. Dad left Jericho."

"What? How do you know?"

Erica and Dean shared a glance, the taller one clutching the journal in his hand harder.

"I've got his journal."

"He doesn't go anywhere without that thing."

"Well, he must have this time." Erica muttered, getting tired of listening to the boys talk and standing on her tip-toes.

"Does it say anything about where he might have gone?" Sam ventured.

"Ah, the same old ex-Marine crap,
when he wants to let us know where
he's going."

"Coordinates. Where to?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"I don't understand. I mean, what
could be so important that dad would just skip out in the middle of a job? Dean, what the hell is going on?" Sam asked, his confusion and bubbling nervousness obvious.

Through the phone, they heard the Impala screech to a halt, and Sam yelling.

"Sam? Sam!" Erica repeated into the phone after taking it from Dean. The two shared a glance, realizing he was in trouble.


After Dean hotwired the nearest car, they drove to Constance's old house. The first thing the duo saw when they pulled in was the ghost flickering in the driver's seat of top of Sam.

Dean fired his gun, the window
shattering, and Constance flickered.
Dean moves closer, still firing at her
until she vanishes. She reappears,
Dean shooting until she disappears

"I'm taking you home." Sam whispered, pressing on the gas pedal, making the Impala crashing into the house.

Dean and Erica instantly rushed into the hole that Sam had created in the wall, the Taller one watching for Constance while the shorter one checked on Sam.

"Sam! Sam! You okay?" Erica asked, getting in the seat with him. "I think..." He mumbled in reply.

"Can you move?" Dean asked, leaning in the car.

"Yeah, Help me." Erica helped pull Sam towards the door and Dean helped pull him out.

"There you go." Dean assured after getting him out and closing the car door before the three turned around and saw Constance.  She glared at them, throwing down a picture in her hand as a dresser in the room flew against the trio, pinning them against the car. Pain shot through Erica's side, her recently stitched wound beginning to bleed again.

The lights began to flicker, and water started to pour down the stairs, Dean and Erica finally figuring out what the hell was going on.

'You've come home to us, mommy."
A young boy and girl said in unison. The kids appeared behind her, hugging Constance tightly. She screamed before she began flickering, and the family melted into a puddle on the floor.

"Is- is it over?" Erica stuttered out, in awe of what had just happened. "I'm assuming..?" Sam replied with the same level of uncertainty.

"So this is where she drowned her
kids." Dean muttered after the three pushed the dresser off of them.

"That's why she couldn't move on.. She was too afraid to come home and face her kids." Erica said, walking towards and kneeling next to the puddle on the floor, ignoring the pain from her bleeding wound.

"You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy." Dean hummed, slapping Sam on the chest where Constance hurt him before he walked back to the car. Sam let out a mix between a groan and a chuckle before Erica left the puddle on the floor to go check on him.

"Woah- wait a minute, Erica, you're bleeding!" Sam stressed, reaching out and touching the bloodstain that had formed on her shirt. She looked at his hand before looking back at him, "Long story, but you're one to talk. Might have to start calling you Swiss Cheese." "Please dont ever call me that." Sam replied with a chuckle.

"Sam- I know you solved the case, but if you screwed up my baby, I'll kill you." Dean threatened, his hand caressing the side of the Impala.

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