Chapter 27

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Dean and Erica followed Andy down several blocks before the older hunter stopped at an intersection.

Andy had paused, leaning against a stop sign while he finished his coffee.

"What's he doing?" Erica questioned Dean, but he only shrugged in response.

Suddenly, Andy turned around and looked directly at them, gesturing for them to come to him. Erica assumed that they were going to stay in the car, but Dean had slammed the door before she could even register he left.

"Wait- Dean!-" Erica followed him in close pursuit, yet still glancing at both sides of the road.

"Nice car you have there." Andy commented once Dean reached him.

"Yeah- right? You want it?" Erica shot a look at Dean, although his eyes were fixed on Andy.

"Dean! What the hell?" She hissed, snatching the keys from him.

Andy rolled his eyes, "It's a free country, sweetheart. Now, hand me the keys."

Erica crossed her arms, the keys tight in her grip as she glared daggers at him.

"You're not normal, are you? You're one of us?" Andy questioned.

"I'm not one of you, but I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm normal." Erica replied, letting her arms drop to her sides as she felt less tense.

Andy's eyes flickered over her body before looking at Dean, then back at her. "You two seem pretty warm."

"Don't try to change the subject. Why are you doing this?" Erica ordered sternly.

"I'm doing it because whether you like it or not, you know neither of us understands what's going on. That other man that was with you, he's like me, isn't he? I felt it. He reeked of it."

Erica clenched her jaw, "He's not like you. You- you are just a plain asshole who loves that he can, in fact, make the world revolve around him, but you know what? It doesn't work like that, and this is gonna come back and bite you in the ass unless you give us a hand."

Andy only grinned. "I don't know who you think you are or what you think you are, but you seem to be forgetting one thing." He glared at Dean, the hunter putting his hand out towards Erica. "Your hunter, my bitch. Give me the keys."

Erica bit the inside of her cheek, tasting blood faintly, before handing the keys to Dean, watching him hand them to Andy.

"Happy now? Now that you've got your new toy to play with?"

Andy twirled the keys around his finger. "Yeah, thanks hun." He winked before turning away and walking towards the Impala.

Dean seemed to snap back, looking at Andy before looking at Erica. "What the hell was that?"

"A lead."


After Dean called Sam, complaining about being 'Obi-waned', the three met up again.

Sam was sitting on the curb when Erica and Dean finally found him, the trio watching the paramedics cover Dr. Jenning's body.

"He- he was just- just on his phone, and then the bus turned the corner-" Sam rambled, trying to explain while also trying to force the memory out of his head. Erica put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it softly to attempt to get rid of some of the tension.

"I kept him out of the gun store. I
thought he was okay, I thought he was past it- I should have stayed
with him."

"Sam, if it was supposed to happen, nothing you could have done would have stopped it. You tried," Erica replied softly.

"I should've tried harder," He mumbled back, before standing up.


"Thank God!" Dean sighed in relief, finding the Impala parked on the side of the road. "Oh, my baby. I am never gonna do that to you again."

Erica rolled her eyes, "You two want a room?"

Dean glared at her, the youngest hunter fighting to suppress a smirk. "Atleast he left the keys in it."

"Yeah, real Samaritan, this guy." Sam mumbled sarcastically in response.

"Well, it looks like he can't work his
mojo just by twitching his nose, he's
gotta use verbal commands." Dean noted.

"The doctor had just gotten off his cell phone when he stepped in front of that bus. Andy must have called him or something." Sam added.

"I don't know, maybe." Dean mumbled, avoiding eye contact with both Sam and Erica.

"I beg your pardon?" They replied in unison, glaring at him.

"I just don't know if he's our guy." Dean replied in a louder tone.

"Dean, you had O.J.convicted before he got out of his white Bronco and
now you have doubts about this?" Sam retorted.

Erica furrowed her brow in confusion, "That bitch called you his bitch. He also behaved like a bitch. That bitch."

"He just doesn't seem like the stone
cold killer type, that's all, you know?
And O.J. was guilty." Dean stated, glaring at Erica.

"Either way," Sam started, trying to draw the conversation back, "How are we gonna find this guy?"

"Not a problem," Dean replied with a shrug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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