Chapter 7

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(Between Devils trap, S1 E22, and In my time of dying, S2 E1)

Erica got out of her '68 Dodge Charger, observing the graveyard of scrap cars around her. A small house sat a few yards away from her, and the man sitting on the front porch silently told her she was in the right place. 

"Bobby Singer?" She called out, walking towards the porch. "That'd be me. Erica, right? The boys have told me a lot about you." He replied, holding his house door open for her before shutting and locking it behind them. "Have the boys been okay?" Erica asked, concern laced in her voice.

"Their just worried about you. Hell, I would be too if you just picked up and left, ignoring every phone call." Bobby replied, obviously pissed off at the girl for hurting his boys.

"I can explain, I just..-" Erica paused, feeling guilty, "I need your help with research. I hear your good at that."

Bobby looks her up and down, trying to figure her out, but he couldn't help but sigh. She was gonna be a tough nut to crack. "What do you need help with?"

"Black-eyed children." Erica replied as they walked into Bobby's library. "They shouldn't be too bad, but I also said that about vampires." He replied with a chuckle as he wrote something on a notepad before pulling a book off the shelf. "Well, I'm still very new to this whole hunting thing." "How's it treating you? Making it by alright?"

Erica sighed, shaking her head as Bobby pulled another book off the shelf and leafed through it. "It's confusing, but it makes so much sense."

"No blame for that, I've been hunting for years and still don't know how to kill half the stuff other hunters ask me to research, but the world just makes a bit more sense." Bobby replied, sitting at his desk and gesturing for Erica to sit on the sofa on the other side of the room.

"You don't happen to know any good motels in town, do you?" Erica asked, and Bobby looked at her like she just killed somebody. "This house ain't as small as it looks, kid. I got a spare bedroom upstairs." "You've been oddly welcoming to a random stranger. You're not gonna kill me in my sleep or something, right?"

Bobby rolled his eyes, "If I were to do something, I would have done it already. Plus, I know more about you than you think. You're hardly a stranger."

"The boys?" "The boys." He confirmed. "What- what have they said?"

Bobby looked up from his book, him and Erica making eye contact, the tension obvious. "Why dont you go to bed, I got work to do."


Erica hadn't hesited to obledge when Bobby told her to go to bed, but that's as far as she got. Sleep wasn't coming anytime soon. There was too much to think about. A million questions ran through her mind, but one managed to surface every time. What had the boys said about her? Bobby had failed to answer, so she assumed it was something bad. But if it was something bad, why was he so welcoming?

Once Erica managed to force that thought away, her next biggest question surfaced. When is Bobby gonna realize she's lying about why she's there?

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