Chapter 3

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(Pilot, S1 E1)

Sam and Dean talked about John and where they thought he might be for nearly an hour, Erica commenting on any part she could get a psychological result on. This went on until soft snores began to sound from the back seat, and the brothers finally had the freedom to talk about what they had been itching to.

"Sam, I understand things are hard mentally right now, but bringing her into this isn't smart. Do you really want to ruin her life by dragging her into hunting?" Dean asked softly, trying to get to his brother by taking the gentle approach.

"She means the world to me, Dean. Erica's my best friend! Hell, I'm about to start a law firm with her."

The two went silent, the only sound coming from Erica's snores and the radio.

"Do you have the hots for her?" "What?- Ew no, no. I just-" Sam sighed, "Okay, maybe, but she's into someone else. Heck, I have a girlfriend who I should probably be calling right now, but I just can't."

Sam felt sadness wedge its way into his heart, and he wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and wake up next to Erica. Yet Sam knew it wasn't going to happen, not anytime soon anyway. People like Erica flirted and played with other people's feelings for fun, and Sam didn't think they really knew what they were doing, but it was far too hard to tell.

"Sammy, if you really love her, you wouldn't be pulling her into this." Dean muttered, seeing the hurt look on his brothers face.

"Wake me up when we get there." He replied, tired of the conversation.


Dean shook Erica awake, dodging her fist from outside the window. "Dude, what the hell?" "Me 'what the hell?' You just tried to punch me in the face!"

"Yeah, well, when somebody starts shaking you from the outside of the vehicle you're sleeping in, don't come whining to me!" She sassed back, smiling as Sammy walked towards the car.

"Finally, a face I actually want to see in the morning." "Whatever." Dean muttered, throwing Erica's breakfast into the backseat.

"I dont know what I missed, but I don't think I want to," Sam said before Dean handed him his breakfast, he lowered his voice, "So how'd you pay for this stuff? You and dad still running credit card scams?"

"Yeah, well, hunting isn't exactly a pro-ball career," Dean responded, pulling the gas nozzle out of Baby, "Besides, all we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us cards."

Sam rolled his eyes, sneaking a glance at Erica to make sure she couldn't hear them, "So what names did you write on the application this time?"

"Burt Aframian and his son Hector. Scored two cards out of the deal," He replied with a giddy smile before getting in the car, "Did I do good on breakfast?" He directed towards Erica.

"Oh god, yes." She mumbled, her mouth full of cinnamon-bun.

"Eri, can you hand me the cassette tape box?" Sam asked, making the brunette groan in annoyance before obliging.

"Dude, you really need to update your cassette collection."

"What's the issue?"

"Well, for one, they're cassette tapes-"

"Sammy, if you say another mean thing about his music taste, we're gonna have issues." Erica threatened, Dean smirking at her through the rear view mirror.

The blonde just rolled his eyes in annoyance as he put a random tape into Baby.


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