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-Nomandla Paris Khumalo

It has been a long year, my babies are growing up very well. I was also shocked to learn that I had been pregnant with twins. I found out in my eighth month, that the other twin had been hiding all those months. A month later I gave birth to my babies and I must say, I AM NEVER SETTING FOOT IN THAT MATERNITY WARD AGAIN! I seriously don't know how my mom did it with three kids but she's strong hey. Childbirth is no walk in the park, I totally respect every mother out there. I still cringe whenever someone talks about childbirth, it's always like I will have a mini heart attack, no kidding.

Anyway, my babies are 8 months old now and I'm so happy. They can even sit on their own now.

I was busy getting ready for work, by the way, I work in a pharmacy as a pharmacist. I enjoy my work very much. My mom babysits for me since she doesn't work anymore and they don't want my kids taken to a daycare, especially baba so mah is always watching them when I have work.

Cindy: "Oh hey Noma. Please assist the customer by the till." I huff and leave the pills I was packing. I slow my pace when I notice that the customer is actually my one-night stand. I quickly turn back

Me: "Cindy, I can't assist him please."

Cindy: "You know him?"

Me: "Yeah and he's someone I don't want to talk to."

Cindy: "This is work missy, now get on with it!" Sometimes she can be a bitch too. I hate her!

Me: "Good morning sir, how may I help you?"

Him: "Your service is very poor. I would like some energy-boosting pills or syrup!" I take the medicine and put it in the medicine cart cage.

Me: "You can pay at the front."

Him: "Sho!" I breathe out as soon as he walks away. I'm just glad that he was glued to that phone of his.

Cindy: "Now was that so hard?!" Nxx lenja le!

Me: "Mxm!" I leave her there and go continue with my task.

I was now on my way home, I couldn't wait to get to my babies so I could cuddle them. I decide to pass by the garage for some juice and a pie, I haven't eaten anything all day. I end up filling my tank. Just as I drive out, some fool is driving in crashing my car. I immediately get angry, I get out of my car fuming, and start banging the idiot's window. He steps out and I instantly get more mad because he just arrogantly stands there looking at me.

Me: "Are you dumb?! Did you buy your license at Shoprite maybe?!" He just quietly stares at me with a frown.

Me: "Don't look at me like that, can't you read?!"

Man: "I'm sorry." he says humbly shocking me. I just sigh heavily and walk back to my car to call my big brother. He promises to be here shortly. The stranger that crashed into me is just standing in front of my car looking clueless and scary.

My brother gets here in no time, he rushes to my door. He opens it hurriedly and pulls me into his arms.

Me: "Bhuti, I'm fine."

Bhuti: "You not hurt?!" Inshake my head. He nods and then starts packing my things into my handbag. I always empty my handbag on my passenger's seat and it's mostly because I would be looking for a chocolate bar or something to snack on while I drive or even cash sometimes. After he gets everything, he leads me to his car and attends to the stranger in front of my car.

Mom: "Oh mntanam, are you okay?!" she asks worriedly holding my face after inspecting me for any wounds.

Me: "I'm fine mama, i'm just tired and hungry."

Mom: "Go take a bath while I make you some food." I smile and nod. I take a quick shower then settle for my PJs. I go back to the kitchen and mom has dished up for me. I eat with her watching me.

Mom: "You scared me Gcino." I smile hugging her.

Me: "I'm sorry but I'm fine mama. Where are my babies?!"

Mom: "In the lounge with your father." I head to the lounge. I hug my dad who also starts fussing about the accident. I take my very hyper kids.


Hle: "Babes, can we go out tonight please?" I sigh. This girl never understands that I'm a mother now, I don't get to go out as I please plus my babies are still small.

Me: "I can't oe."

Hle: "You becoming boring now ay, you can't even be out for a few hours nje."

Me: "Excuse you, sis, I work plus I have two kids on my back so please!"

Hle: "I wasn't fighting you but I just don't understand why your kife has to stop because of kids! Your parents are here mos."

Me: "So? They didn't make those babies with me. You will never understand Hle until you have your own." she rolls her eyes.

Hle: "I will have my own two kids and show you that life can still go on with them." I laugh.

Me: "Life? Do you mean partying and clubbing?! babes, at some point we have to stop all this. We are growing phela."

Hle: "ay I'm very young mina! ngisafuna ukudla ubusha bami."

Me: "And you still can do that without all the alcohol, partying, and everything of that nature."

Hle: "Ayikho leyo."  I chuckle. Nelenhle has jokes shame.

Me: "Okay." I will let her be because a debate with Hle always ends up in a petty argument. Bhuti Sihle walks in, he ignores us and heads straight to the twins' cot and scoops them both into his arms. They both start wailing, my babies hate being woken up.

Me: "You will put them back to sleep ke bhuti."

Bhuti: "Kahle wena!" he says then walks out with them.

Hle: "Your brother is rude, nxx!" I stare at her shocked because well she has never had anything to say about my brother's bad manners ever since she's known him. Everyone close to me has also gotten used to my brother's bad habit of never greeting.

Me: "Excuse you?"

Hle: "What? it's true, he's an assh*le."

Me: "That's my brother you insulting."

Hle: "I'm sorry friend but I hate him."

Me: "You still have a crush on him?!" she shakes her head.

Hle: "No, yes. I don't know friend but what I do know is that he irritates me so much especially when he is with another woman."

Me: "What?! That's crazy!" I say then laugh.

Hle: "When he starts entertaining me, I just run. He makes me nervous and I don't like it choma." I laugh

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