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I'm currently on my way to my uncle's house with my boys. They are both asleep in the backseat. Noma is still mad at me, she didn't even want to be around me. I know I should have told her sooner about my situation but I honestly thought I'd deal with everything sooner. I understand her frustrations too which is why I'm giving her this space.

I finally parked my car in my uncle's yard, one of the twins was now awake. I really need to be able to tell them apart. I get out of the car and go to the backseat and unbuckle both the boys. I carry them both and close the door with my foot then walk inside.

Aunty Dee: "Habe! Obani laba?!" she asks with a big smile taking the awake twin.

Me: "Sanibona Mah."

Aunty Dee: "Hey baby, who's kids are these?"

Me: "Mine aunty. Yabona they look like me?!"

Aunty Dee: "Ay suka wena! Stop lying!" I laugh.

Me: "Serious Mah."

Aunty Dee: "When?! How?!"

Uncle: "I also would like to know." he says walking in with Siboniso.

Me: "Their mother is the woman I wanted your help with."

Uncle: "umaqondana?!"

Me: "Yebo baba. I impregnated her that night without knowing and I recently met with her, that's when I found out I have two sons."

Uncle: "I'm happy for you my boy." he says shaking my hand.

Aunty Dee: "Now you see that you don't have to cry about that girl's baby being your father's child? Buka, God doubled the blessing." I smile.

Me: "Yes, thats true Mah."

Uncle: "Okay. I will have to contact my brothers so we can go pay our respects then we can do a welcoming ceremony for the boys before they get sick."

Me: "I would really appreciate it baba."

Uncle: "Okay, I had been trying to get ahold of you for the past weekend to no avail. I wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry about your mother now. She is somewhere safe, continuing her training."

Me: "I hear baba, ngiyabonga."

Uncle: "you now only have to finalize the divorce and have your father out of that palace. There are so many ceremonies that need to be done."

Me: "I know baba. I also have a problem and I need your advice."

Uncle: "What is it mfana wami?"

Me: "So the boys mother found out about Mandisa, and she thinks I'm two-timing her. She doesn't even want to hear anything from me. Right this moment, we were supposed to be going out with the boys since she isn't at work but she refused." My uncle and his wife laugh a little.

Uncle: "Where is she?"

Me: "At her home."

Aunty Dee: "Only your actions will convince her this time around baba. Finalize your divorce first then start grovelling to your woman."

Me: "Ha Mah! But what if Mandisa makes this whole divorce process drag?! Awu ngeke!" they both laugh at me again. I leave them inside and go outside so I can call Noma again. Luckily she answers.

Noma: "Lifa?" oh are we calm now?

Me: "Noma. I want us to talk."

Noma: "I told you I don't have anything to talk to you about."

Me: "Please Nomandla. I won't lose you for something that is not even there. I won't lose you because of a non-existent marriage."

Noma: "We will talk once you bring the boys back."

Me: "No. I want to fetch you now so we can talk."

Noma: "Okay, woza." she hangs up. I rush inside and ask my aunt to watch the boys for me for a little while and then I rush to my car. I drive straight to her home.


We were now sitting in the car staring at each other. She made me wait for her for a whole two hours before showing up.

Me: "Sawubona."

Noma: "Hi."

Me: "I just want to explain my situation to you. I won't lie, I had hoped that you don't find out about this but it's fine."

Noma: "I'm listening."

Me: "The day I met you, I was here for business then I decided to go out with some old friends to that party. The whole night I was enjoying your company and you made my heart beat abnormally but you also made me feel excited nje. I was so sure that I wanted to make you mine. When I couldn't find you the next morning, I was shattered, no lies. I asked my uncles for help but then my father summoned me home urgently so I had to leave urgently."

Noma: "Your wife..."

Me: "Noma, our special night together, I wasn't married. I wasn't even in a serious relationship. I got home and I was told about a new helper in the house. Somehow after two or three weeks we were dating and we got married right away. A year later, we found out she was pregnant and I was happy. Then a few months down the line, I found out that the baby was my father's."

Noma: "I'm sorry."

Me: "No, don't be. After finding out, I went to my uncle straight and he took me to someone who revealed a lot of things including the fact that I was fed love potion. So all this time I've been here, it's because I was also avoiding going back home because I was going to be forced to pretend as of everything is fine when in actual fact, I want to kill them."

Noma: "I'm sorry."

Me: "It's okay. My uncle then advised me to go find my love which is you. I guess the Gods were with me because I met you the same day." she smiles leans towards me and cups my face. She licks my lower lip before capturing them and we kiss slowly.

Noma: "Don't ever allow yourself to be bewitched because I will k*ll you myself." she says after breaking the kiss.

Me: "I won't baby, I promise. Let's go get some food." I start the car and drive off.

Noma: "Where are my kids?"

Me: "At my uncle's house. I will fetch them later." she nods.

Noma: "My parents are still away but as soon as they get back, i'll tell them about you."

Me: "Would i be rushing you if i ask to you to be my wife?" she blushes.

Noma: "I don't think so. We both love each other and if you really promise to never hurt me then I don't decline."

Me: "Thank you so much maKhumalo."

Noma: "Kodwa not until your divorce is done and dusted. Once you are ruled a divorcee by the court then you can marry me." I smile.

Me: "The papers are already on the way to her baby." she nods.


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