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Ndlalifa Mhlongo

My uncle was able to pull through for me, he paid damages, inhlawulo for the kids, and isicelo in one weekend. The following weekend, they went to pay lobola for my woman and I was finally at ease. Although he didn't go with his brothers, everything went well and accordingly. He only took my mother's brother and his associates. That's the only good thing happening in my life right now, my wife and kids.

Otherwise, everything is a complete mess back home. We haven't buried my father yet because apparently his body refuses to turn cold and we can't bury him if his body is still warm. MaKhoza says it's because of all his sins and now his soul is stuck between the land of living and that of ancestors. The ancestors are refusing to let him join them. So his corpse is still in the mortuary, we are just lucky that the mortuary is actually one of his brother's because they would've long gotten rid of his body in government mortuaries.

Uncle: "Mshana." I look at him. I still think he is involved in Mhlongo's death because there's no way Mandisa and Mhlongo's death happened so suddenly plus he is capable.

Me: "Malume."

Uncle: "Your father's brother is worried about you."

Me: "I'm okay malume, I just want to see my people and mom if possible."

Uncle: "You know we can't see usisi until she has fully healed and cleansed."

Me: "I just feel so bad for all the times I treated her like some dumb kid and called her names. I also don't want to get married without her present. She hasn't even met my wife and kids."

Uncle: "I understand shana but be patient. I know sisi, she probably doesn't even blame you for all that. Everyone knows now that the snake was that pig uMhlongo." he says the last word with a cold stare staring in one direction.

Me: "I hear you."

Uncle: "I need your help in finding a decent job, you know? It's hard finding a job right now since I've just come out of jail."

Me: "Don't worry malume, I will look for something."

Uncle: "Danki shana! Go to your bab'omdala, he's going crazy laphana, nesdumbu sayihlo esingafuni ukubanda. Yazi Mhlongo will always be a problem, nxh!" (...crazy over there, with your father's corpse that refuses to turn cold. You know..)

Me: "He never wants peace." He clicks his tongue and walks away. I honestly understand his rage towards Mhlongo, that man didn't only hurt his younger sister but he damaged her and her mental state so I really don't blame him.

I walk back to the house to look for my uncle, I find him shouting orders at everyone. We are at the palace by the way, it is being rebuilt and the builders are quite fast because they are now halfway through yet they started two weeks ago.

Me: "Baba."

Uncle: "Good, you here. I need you to take this file with you and keep it very safe. There are very important documents inside."

Me: "Okay. I'm leaving now."

Uncle: "Joburg?"

Me: "Yes, I miss my family and I also have a lot of work that I need to catch up on."

Uncle: "Go, son, I have everything under control. I will keep updating you." I nod and then bid my goodbyes before I get into my car and drive off.

After some long hours on the road, I finally got to my house. It is almost midnight, and I just need to shower and sleep even though I had wished to see my baby but tomorrow is another day. I walk inside the house after unlocking the door, weirdly there's this amazing smell lingering.

Noma: "Baby?" she calls out standing at the top of the stairs rubbing her eyes. I can't help the huge smile that breaks out of my face. This is what I live for. She is in my t-shirt only and has those silk sleeping hats of hers on.

Me: "Woza phela sthandwa sami." she blushes and starts coming down the stairs and just before she can get to me, my boys emerge behind her also rubbing their eyes.

Me: "I missed you guys." I hug her and kiss her before I help the twins down the stairs.

Noma: "We also missed you so I thought we should just come here." I smile kissing my boys who suddenly don't want me to put them down.

Me: "This is really a nice surprise." I sit on one of the chairs as she warms up a plate for me. She hands the twins their feeding cups with milk and then gives me a warm damp cloth to wipe my hands. She hands me my plate.

We were now in bed after having a hard time putting the boys to sleep. I watch her as she lays out our outfits for work tomorrow. She then lotions her hands and gets in bed next to me.

Noma: "How is everything going?" I sigh.

Me: "Still the same. My father is still not buried and that just adds to my stress nje."

Noma: "I'm sorry baby."

Me: "It's fine. The rebuilding of the palace is coming alright. Everything looks good."

Noma: "That's good. I can't wait to see it."

Me: "Me too."

Noma: "Your aunt called me today, she invited us over for lunch on Saturday." I only took her once, to my uncle's house to meet them and I was happy that she got along just well with my aunt.

Me: "Okay baby." I kiss her and then pull her to my chest. She starts brushing my chest lightly and slowly pinches my n*pples.

Me: "Sleep baby, it's work day tomorrow." she huffs and turns the other way giving me her back. I just sleep facing up as guilt eats me. I honestly need to work on my insecurities before I lose the woman I love.

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