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-Nomandla Paris Khumalo

I'm so happy it's the weekend and that means I'm off duty. I am planning on taking my kids out today, well we going together with my sister.

Pearl: "I seriously won't cope nalamagundwane akho." She says as Andile starts crawling away.

Me: "Leave my babies alone!" I stand up and go take him.

Pearl: "Look!" she points at Bandile who is now sitting on some lady's lap. I sigh and strap this one first in their stroller then go get the other brat.

Me: "I'm really sorry sis."

Lady: "You have such beautiful girls." I laugh taking Andile.

Me: "Thank you, they are boys." she gasps squeezing Andile's cheeks and blowing him kisses, this one giggles loudly.

Me: "Thanks sis, bye." I go back to our table and buckle him in their stroller.

Me: "It really was a bad idea to bring them with."

Pearl: "The kids are happy to see people, they never go out." she says laughing, I chuckle shaking my head.

Me: "Aybo they go out with their grandma nje."

Pearl: "Yeah to their grandpa's workplace." I laugh.

Me: "Mcm, let's go."

Pearl: "The bill?"

Me: "Aunty is paying nje." I wink at her then quickly grab my purse and push my babies stroller out of the restaurant. I decide to buy two cups of ice cream for me and my sister while waiting for her.

Pearl: "You brat!" I chuckle handing her her ice cream. We walking to the Gucci store now because sis here wants shoes.

Me: "You can get shoes at MrPrice sis! I'm tired mina!"

Pearl: "You don't see me neh?! mina? MrPrice?! mxm!"

Me: "Push the twins ke!"

Pearl: "Ngabe wamithiswa imina." (I didn't impregnate you!) This b8tch! I am staring at her in disbelief when I feel the stroller hitting someone. I quickly look towards the person so I can apologise and then immediately frown.

Me: "Umeleni endleleni?!" (Why are you standing in the way?)

Pearl: "Yewena!" she frowns staring at Mr. Virginity Breaker.

Him: "Sanibona." he greets us with his eyes glued to my babies. I just turn the stroller around and push it to the parking, I can hear footsteps hurrying behind me so I pick up my pace. Sh8t! The car keys are with Pearl.

Him: "Please listen to me." he says standing next to me and holding the stroller.

Me: "What do you want from me?!" he smiles a bit.

Him: "I'm sorry but I want us to talk." I just angrily stare at him.

Him: "Please?" he pleads clasping his hands together.

Me: "Fine." he leads me to his car. He takes my now sleeping boys out of their stroller and places them carefully on his car seats then folds the stroller and puts it in his boot. He takes them out and hands me Andile while he carries Bandile. He locks his car.

Him: "Let's go." We walk towards the road and there's a car parked. A man gets out and opens the door of the backseat for us. He lets me get in first before he follows.

Me: "Where are we going?!" I ask after I've gained my voice back.

Him: "My house." he says casually as he plays with Bandile's hands. Andile wakes up crying, I rock him back to sleep.

Me: "Their diaper bag is with my sister."

Him: "I'll take care of that." he says texting on his phone.

We have been sitting in this lounge with him staring at my babies.

Him: "I'm sorry." I frown.

Me: "Why?"

Him: "If I had looked for you immediately after you ran away from me, I'd have known about my babies. I wasn't there to support you through your pregnancy journey. I'm really sorry."

Me: "It's cool. They will wake up any minute now and they'll need their bottles."

Him: "Joy bought them, she will bring them."

Me: "Mmhm."

Him: "You seem shy?!" I roll my eyes.

Me: "I'm not."

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