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ellie's pov

i groaned getting out of my bed, i missed having my mom around. it was the first day of senior year and i was so excited! i walked over to my closet picked out a black plaid skirt, black body suit with a white collar, and black/white converse.

i made sure i had all my books for the first day and walked to the kitchen grabbing a muffin to go. i locked all the doors and got in my car. yes, i finally got a car!

i started the engine and drove off school meeting my friends. i got there within fifteen minutes and parked my car. i grabbed my bag and walked into the school, going to my locker to meet my friends.

i spotted evan talking with gabby. i took this opportunity to scare him. so i ran up to him and jumped on his back.

"it's senior year, baby!" i said excitedly, he swung me around with a smile on his face.

"this year will be the best" gabby smiled pointing her video camera at us, "this year will be for yulia" i said. "love you, ellie" gabby said. "love you more, babes!" i said.

"look there's scuba and jess" i said, she turned it over to them. "j-money and scooby snacks" gabby laughed as she teased them. "hey guys" they smiled.

"i can't wait for prom!" i giggled, "prom? silly.. that's not until june" evan laughed. "yes, but it's going to be so magical. i'll be with the boy i love" i smiled kissing the top of his head.

i got off evan's back and linked arms with gabby and jessica. "see you boys later" we said and headed off to our first period class.

"we need to come up with a senior prank" i said, "totally!" the girls agreed, "it'll be so much fun" gabby cheered. "any ideas?" i asked, i paused looking at the wall. "you would be perfect for that! student council president. you should run!" gabby cheered.

"now that's a funny joke" i laughed, "ellieee! gabby's right. whose the best person to run our school besides you?" jess asked, "you'd do a great job" she smiled.

"i guess i can give it a try" i said putting my name on the form, "yay!" gabby said excitedly. we walked into our first period class, which was spanish.  "everyone take your seats! and welcome our new student for senior year, clare stevens" mrs. brown announced.

"she's gorgeous!" gabby gushed, "too pretty" i sighed. "okay everyone get into pairs of two and introduce yourselves to your partner" she explained.

"i'm gonna work with the new girl" gabby said seeing her sit alone. "well, hello. im ellie. next to meet you" i giggled holding out my hand, jess laughed and shook it. "nice to meet you, im jess" she said.

"alright guys. handouts are being exchanged around the class. this is your first homework assignment. make sure it's done by homework. have a good day"
the teacher shared as the bell rang indicating first period was over.

"i'll see you girls later" i said, "hey! you're eleanor right?" the new asked, "uh yeah hey. clare right?" i asked, "yes" she smiled. "do you think you can help me find where my geometry class is?" she asked. "sure let me look at your schedule" i said, she handing me her paper.

"we have that same class, we'll walk together" i smiled, "oh that's perfect, thank you" she said. "so where did you move from?" i asked, "new york" she replied. "oh really, you gave up new york for this place" i chuckled.

"i needed a new change of scenery" she said, "i get it. i wish i could leave this place" i laughed. "here we are, geometry" i sighed sitting down in the third row. clare sat next to me. "okay everyone, let's get started.." the teacher said.


"hey ladies!" i smiled, "heyy" gabby smiled back. "look there's evan and.." i finished her sentence, "and clare." "hey, beautiful!" evan said hugging me, "hey!" i said. "have you met clare?" he asked, "yeah i did. we have spanish and geometry together" i replied.

"that's nice! we have gym, english, and science together" he said, "oh" was all i said. "so, evan let me know when you wanna work on the science project. we can go to my place or yours" she smiled. "for sure! i'll text you" he smiled back.

"bye girls!" clare said waving bye to us, i glared at evan. "what?" he asked, "come on gabs. i'll drive you home" i said, "thank you" she said. "ellie! wait up!" he said, "so evan when do you wanna work on our science project? maybe get married? have babies?" i said mocking how stupid clare was.

"no need to be jealous!" he sighed, "i love you and only you. you know this" he said wrapping his arm around me. "i'll be at your house first thing tomorrow morning, okay?" he said. "yeah, sure" i said. he kissed me goodbye and went to practice with scuba.

gabby and i got in my car, "do you wanna get food?" i asked, "sure" she smiled. we went to the mini cafe and got some food to eat.

"thank you!" we said as we placed our orders. i got an iced caramel coffee with a coffee cake and she got iced vanilla coffee with a cupcake. "this is so good" i said sipping my coffee. "right this cupcake is so good" she said.

"ellie, are you okay?" she asked, "i'm just nervous that i'll lose evan again" i sighed, "you're not going to, i promise" she said holding my hand. "how can you promise that?" i asked, "listen i know i haven't been friend of the year. but im on your side. you and evan are endgame and i even i know that now" she chuckled.

"i'm sorry i ever tried getting in the middle of you guys i was a shitty friend" she said. "so was i. i'm also gabby, you didn't deserve that" i said. "i love you, promise we'll never let a boy come between us?" she said, "pinky promise" i said holding out my pinky and she locked it with hers.

"this is on me" i said going up to the counter to pay. "you didn't have to, thank you" she smiled, "no worries. come on i'll fridge you home" i said. we finished our coffees and deserts.

"thank you for the ride! see you tomorrow" she said hugging me. "bye!" i said and driving off to house.

i unlocked the front door, letting the silence sink in. it was so silent, it made me want to die. it gets worse at night with my thoughts. nobody knows, not even evan. sometimes i just want to drive away and disappear. be someone else. i just want my mom and best friend back.

it's only the first day and i wish it would be the last.

author's note!
hope you guys enjoy the first chapter :)
i'm so excited to get this story going !!

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