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ellie's pov

a few months ago, i would tell you that it's crazy that i'm still alive. but i couldn't be happier, everything is falling into place. evan has been living with me for the past five months. it's like having my best friend with me everyday.


"EVAN!" i said jumping up and down on the bed, "five more minutes" he mumbled into the pillow. "but it's prom" i pouted, "go to sleep" he said. "you're boring, i'm leaving" i said. i was about to get off the bed, but evan pulled onto the bed.

"can we get some breakfast, please?" i said laying down next to him. "i guess sooo" he smiled, "come on, come on!" i said, "i can't believe graduation is tomorrow" he said, "i'm so excited" i smiled.

we got up out of the bed and got ready. "can i drive?" i asked, "here you go" he said giving me his keys. i smiled and we got into the truck, driving to the diner.


"hey kids, what can i get you?" the waitress asked, "strawberry pancakes and chocolate chip waffles" i smiled. "anything to drink?" she asked, "two cups of coffee" evan smiled. "sounds good. i'll be back" she said walking off.

"i have some news" i said, "what is it?" he asked, "i got accepted into the university of plymouth, scholarship for soccer" i smiled, "what! ellie amazing! i didn't know you applied to any schools" he said. "i wasn't going to at first, but for once life has been falling into place" i smiled.

"god, i love you" he smiled, "here you guys go, enjoy" the waitress said putting our food and drinks on the table. "thank you" we said, "i love this tradition" i said, "i love it too, i love that i get to do it with you" he said.

the rest of the morning consisted of evan and i eating our breakfast and talking about prom. "you're gonna look so beautiful, tonight. i can't wait to see you in your dress" he said, "oh i bet" i chuckled.

we got back in the truck and i drove us home. "i think the girls are gonna be over soon" i smiled, "so early?" he laughed. "it takes a lot to be pretty" i said, "you're already beautiful, baby you don't need make up" he said.

"you think so?" i asked, "i fucking know so. i love you more than life itself" he said kissing me. "i love you" i said.


"WE'RE HERE!" gabby shouted walking through the door. "evan hurry up!" i said, "i'm going, im going!" he said, he was midway putting on his shirt, when the girls walked in.

"oh ew!" gabby said closing the door, "it's not like that!" i said. evan laughed and opened the door, "you ladies have fun" he said going into the other room.

"so how was it?" gabby smirked, jess raised her eyebrow at her. "okay, again. it was not like that, we were just napping" i laughed. "yeah sure, napping" gabby said. "well. we were. not everything is always about sex" i laughed.

"wait a minute you and evan?" i questioned, "never" she replied. "really?" i asked, "really" she said. "i mean it is prom night" sam smirked, "that's so cliché" i scoffed. "but...don't you love him?" gabby asked looking at the girl.

"of course, i love him. but just because i love him doesn't mean i have to rush into having sex. the time will come when it does and i'm sure it will be perfect" i smiled. "you're so innocent" sam said, "oh! leave her alone. she's in love and wants it to be perfect" jess smiled.

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