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ellie's pov

"ellieeee!" evan whined, "wake up!" he said, "i'm up, i'm up!" i groaned stretching my arms. "merry christmas, sleeping beauty" he smiled. "merry christmas" i smiled. he dragged me out of bed and rushed me downstairs.

"wow" i said, "i feel like a kid on christmas" i laughed seeing all the gifts under the tree. "you deserve to have it all, honey. you've been through a lot. but we just love having you around" his mom smiled.

"thank you, guys" i said, "here open mine first!" evan said handing me a box. "evan! its beautiful" i smiled, it was a charm bracelet that had our initials on it and the sport that we love.

"ellie! these are so pretty!" his mom said opening the box earrings. "i'm so glad you like them" i smiled, we were all opening gifts still, when the door bell rang. "i'll get it" evan said, "hey dude" he said.

"ryan you made it!" i said hugging him, "i told you, i would" he said hugging me back. "merry christmas, ellie" he said, "merry christmas! ry" i said. "ryan! come on in breakfast will be ready soon. i'm baking some fresh muffins" sarah said.

"oh here" he said handing me a gift box, "what the heck?" i asked. i opened the box and it was a princeton crewneck. "no way! you got in?" i asked excitedly, "i got in!" he smiled. "oh my god! ryan im so happy for you" i said.

"did you apply anywhere?" he asked, "no, im taking the year off to sort through things" i replied. "i can't believe you're going to new jersey" i said, "i know it's crazy, right? i didn't think it would still be possible" he said. "well im happy it was! you deserve it" i said.

"congrats, man" evan said, "thank you, i appreciate it" ryan said. "muffins are done!" sarah said setting them down on the table. "help yourselves, fresh coffee is in the pot" she said sitting on the couch.


"these are so good" i said, "really good" ryan said. "i hate to leave early, but i promise jess i would see her" he said finishing his coffee. "no worries! thank you for coming here" i said. "i'll be around! we have to do some sibling shit before i leave" he joked.

"we totally will" i said, ryan said bye to evan and his parents and left. "it was cool of him to stop by" evan said, "it was cool of you, for being cool with him?" i laughed at my words. "life's too short to be mad all the time" he said.

"i'm really tired, i'm gonna head up and take a nap" i said, "sure, call me if you need anything" he said. i walked upstairs to the guess bedroom. i crawled under the covers and went back to sleep immediately.


"hey ellie" evan whispered shaking me, "huh? what's up?" i asked rubbing my eyes. "you've been sleeping for a while, it's 2pm" he said. "i'm sorry i woke you, i just want you to be able to sleep later" he said.

"no, no, it's okay i get it" i said, "wanna watch a movie?" he asked. "sure" i said, i got off the bedroom and walked to his room. "what movie?" he asked, "how about the polar express?" i asked. "perfect" he said.

he put it on the tv and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close to his chest.

"yo that kid with the glasses, is so annoying" i laughed, "deadasss" he replied, "i'm so sleepy still" i said, "did you go to sleep late yesterday?" he asked. "i might've stayed up late watching a show" i said.

"what show?" he asked,  "the summer i turned pretty" i smiled, "let me guess, you're team conrad?" he asked raising his eyebrow. "indeed, i am. impressed you know it" i said. "who team you on?" i asked, "team belly! she needs to discover what she wants first. girl is all over the place" he laughed.

the reminder of the night consisted a lot of christmas movies until dinner and radom conversations.

"kids! dinner!" his mom called out, "but i'm so warm" i said not wanting to leave the bed. "come on, lazy bones" he said dragging me up.

we walked downstairs and sat at the table. "chicken smells so good" i said, "before we eat, i would like to say grace" evan's mom said, we all connected hands and she said began talking, "amen!" we all said.

"well, everyone let's dig in!" his dad smiled cutting the chicken. "as always dinner is amazing" i said, "so ellie, do you plan on going back home? you're obviously more than welcomed to stay here still, if you want" she said.

"i want to stay, but i know i should go home soon" i said, "have you decided on a prom dress yet?" she asked. "no but i did pick out a color" i smiled, "oh really, what is it?" she asked. "dark blue" i replied.

"that would look so pretty with your skin tone!" she said, "if you need help paying for it, please don't hesitate to ask" she said. "you guys are too good to me" i said. "you're the daughter, we've always wanted" she said.

"thank you for treating me like part of the family, it's truly been amazing" i said. "you are part of the family"
she said, "no matter what."

"she's right. you are family" evan said holding my hand, i smiled at him.


"go up to bed, you look tired" his mom said as i was washing the dishes. "are you sure?" i asked, "yes! you look like you're gonna fall in the kitchen" she laughed. "i am super tired today" i said, "go on, i got this" she said.

"goodnight sarah" i said, "goodnight, honey" she replied.

i walked up to evan's room he was on his computer playing a game. "hey!" he said, "hey" i said plopping my body down on the bed.

"do you want me to get off?" he asked, "no no play your game. i'm gonna lay down here though" i said making myself comfy.

i went on my phone going on prime video, i searched up the summer i turned pretty and finished watching the few episodes i had left of season 2. "oh my god" i sobbed.

"ellie? what's wrong?" evan asked, "conrad! prom! belly!" i choked out. "oh my god" he said "you're really sobbing over a show?" he laughed. "you don't understand!" i said.

evan laughed and went back to his game.

he clearly doesn't understand the hold that conrad and belly have over me OR anyone.

lucky star; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now