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it's been exactly a year, since the killings. since my best friend and mom were brutally murdered. it's been two years since, the black friday riot, but nothing has changed. the killer was back again, wanting to get his revenge.

eleanor laid in the hospital bed, unconscious. wires were connected to her body, to keep her alive.

"eleanor? please wake up? i need you" evan cried as he held her hand. it's been a day, since sheriff newlon came back and shot eleanor.

she lost so much blood and needed intimidate surgery. it's up to her now, to wake up.

"baby...please" he said choking up on his tears. evan never cried, nor would he ever let anyone see him like this. but he loved death to eleanor, if he lost her, he might as well be dead too. he couldn't see life without her in it.

"honey, come on we should go home, she needs rest" his mom said rubbing his back. "i'm not leaving her" he said squeezing my hand. "my love" she said kissing the top of his head. "it'll be okay, i promise" she said.

"gabby, honey, hi" sarah said, "i just wanted to drop these off for her" she said putting down purple roses. "did the doctors say anything?" she asked, "her survey went well, but it's up to her to wake up" she said.

"can we have a minute alone with her?" jess asked, ryan was with her. evan felt enraged when he saw him. "you fucking dick! this is your fault!" evan said getting in his face.

"evan! not now" his mom said pulling him away. "i'm
sorry, okay?" ryan said, he felt terrible. he knew it was his fault that eleanor was in the hospital right now. he just wished that she didn't blame him.

"let's give them privacy" sarah said dragging evan out of the room, gabby followed them.

jess and ryan sat by eleanor's bed, holding her hand. "hi ellie, it's me. ryan. i'm so sorry" he said tears streaming down his face. "im so fucking sorry what happened" he said.

"when you wake up, you'll be happy to know that sheriff newlon can't hurt you or anyone else ever again" she said. "he's dead" "he's gone for good."

"jessica, i'm sorry" ryan cried, "hey, this is not your fault" he said walking over to him. "newlon was psychotic, he did this" she said, "and now he's gone for good" she said kissing him.

"we should let her rest, come on" he said taking her hand.

evan walked back in the room, taking a seat next to her bed again. "my mom wants me to leave, but i don't want to" he said kissing her hand. "i don't want to leave you ever again" he said.

"please wake up. i promise everything will be better. we can move away, be happy together, forever. you'll be treated like a queen every single day, i promise" he said bending his down into her side.

he was bawling his eyes out, he just wanted her to wake up already. he didn't understand how someone could want to hurt someone as perfect as her.

"you already treat me like a queen" she smiled weakly, her eyes flattering open. her vision was blurry for a minute, but adjusted and she saw the beautiful boy, that she fell in love with.

"eleanor?" he asked, quickly picking his head up. "hey, pretty boy" she smiled, he got up and kissed her passionately. "never scare me like that again" he chuckled, "i thought i was dead" she said.

"thank god, you're not" he said, "i'm gonna go get a doctor, okay?" he said running out.

few minutes later, everyone literally came rushing into her room. "ellie! thank for you're okay" gabby said, jess and ryan stood there, "i'm so happy you're alive" ryan said relieved. "hey, you can't get rid of me that easily"
she joked.

the doctor came in and checked eleanor's vitals. "everything is good, she of course needs to stay overnight for a few days" he said. "thank you, doctor"evan's mom said. "i'm so happy, you're okay honey" she said kissing the top of ellie's head.

evan squeezed my hand, "evan, baby, why are you crying? i'm okay" she said rubbing her hand over his. "i was so scared, you have no idea. i thought i lost you" he said. "you will never lose me" she said squeezing his hand back. "cross my heart."

"ellie" jess spoke, "yes?" ellie asked, "there's some great news, sheriff newlon he's dead" jess said. "really? how?" ellie asked. "doesn't matter right now! all that matters is that he's gone and he won't hurt you or anyone ever again!" jess smiled softly.

"i'm really tired" ellie spoke, "we'll leave" scuba said, "evan? can you stay the night? please?" she asked, "of course" he said going on the opposite of her.

"we'll come back tomorrow" gabby said kissing the top of eleanor's head. "i love you" she said and walked off with the others.

evan wrapped his arm around eleanor and played with her until she fell asleep.

she was an angel.

evan was counting the days until she got better. he couldn't wait for prom night. he wanted to ask her something big.

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