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ellie's pov

"IT'S GAME DAY!" gabby said jumping on my back, "oh my god!" i said nearly falling on top off her. "please don't kill my girlfriend" evan said, "uh no. sorry we talked yesterday ellie said she's much more happier with me" gabby said putting her arm around me.

"yeah, no" evan said throwing me over his shoulders, "evan! put me down!" i laughed, "not until you admit that you love me more than gabby" he said sticking his tongue out at her. "hey! no fair she loves me more" she pouted.

"okay okay. evan i love you more than gabby" i said laughing. he put me down and i felt super dizzy. "just kidding" i said jumping on gabby and she carried me away.

"hey come back!" he said running after us, "well, i see someone's in a good mood" jess smiled, "ITS GAME DAY BABY!" gabby and i laughed. "you girls are too much" scuba said, "you're just jealous" i said playfully flipping my hair. "sassy" gabby said.

"see you guys losers. later" i said grabbing gabby and jess's hands. ellie's life was finally falling into place and she couldn't be happier. nothing could go wrong, so she thought.

"sorry we can't make it to lunch" i said to our group. "what? why not?" sam asked, gabby and i are gonna get some extra practice for our game. "can we watch?"
evan smirked. "don't be weird" i said.

"you guys can come only if you don't distract us!" i said pointing at evan, "you got it" he said. the group gathered their things and followed us to the field. gabby and i quickly changed into our uniforms.

"THAT'S MY GIRL!" evan shouted as i made the goal in, "oh my god, he's so embarrassing" i laughed. "hey you wanted that" gabby smirked.

gabby and i practiced for another 30 minutes or so until we felt ready. "oh yeah. we so got this" she said, we quickly changed back into our clothes met up with the group outside the locker room.

"you did girls did great" evan said pulling me his chest. "you better get your party ready" i told gabby, "girl. i already started planning it" she giggled. i laughed.

messages to ryan baker 🥴
hey ryan!
today's my game. i would love it, if you could come :)
ryan baker 🥴
i'll be there !

"see you after class!" evan said hugging me goodbye. "bye guys!" i said and walked over to my science class. god i hate science. i sat in the back and took notes.

the girls changed into their soccer uniforms and got ready for their big game. "come girls, we have to more games before the season the ends. we got this" i said.

we ran out to the field and heard everyone cheering us on and heard the people from hanover boo at us. "such assholes" gabby murmured, "don't worry about them" i said. "okay, team you girls ready?" i asked, "yes!" they cheered.

we got in our positions, gabby and i were on defense, "COME ON EL!" i looked to evan and ryan cheering for us, "LETS GO ELL AND GAB!" jess and scuba shouted. gabby and i did our handshake and the game started.

"isn't your brother a murder?" the girl on the opposing side asked, i just ignored her not wanting to lose my focus. i took the ball from her and scored a goal in their net.

"less questions, more playing" i smirked, "the musketeers are up by 15, leaving the opposing team hanover at 10 points, musketeers only need 15 more points to win!" the announcer said over the intercom.

gabby made another score, 18 points, 12 more until the game is ours. "COME ON ELLIE!" ryan shouted, i stole the ball again fromcthe other team and scored a goal. god, hanover really does suck. 21 points, 9 to go.

"musketeers are at 21, only need 9 more points to win, hanover is at 18!" the announcer spoke again.

gabby and i scored three more goals, leading the team to victory. "AND THE MUSKETEERS WIN!" he yelled.
"YESSS!" evan screamed jumping over the railing and ran onto the field.

i jumped in his arms and he spun me around excited that we won the game. "i'm so proud of you" he said kissing me. "i'll meet you up there, i have to go give my captain speech" i said. evan went back onto the bleachers sitting with scuba and his parents.

"okay, ladies i'm so proud of you girls. we did good. now we can take a break and party this saturday! we have two more games to win for the year!" i said and they cheered. "let's go bestie" gabby said.

"eleanor! you did amazing" evan's mom cheered, "thank you! sarah" i smiled, "can we take you for celebration dinner?" she smiled. "you too, gabby" she smiled. "that would be great" we said.

we went to the locker room and changed into regular clothes. "you don't care if i come right?" gabby asked, "of course not!" i smiled, "i would love having you there" i said. gabby and i grabbed our things and meant everyone in the front.

"let's go" she said, "ryan, jess, scuba, you guys are welcome to join us" she said. they smiled and agreed. we all broke off into our cars and meant at the restaurant.

"your mom is so sweet for wanting to take us out" i said, "she's very big on celebrating accomplishments, i wouldn't be surprised if there's another dinner tomorrow" he chuckled.

"where are we going?" i asked, "i think the outback, my mom knows it's your favorite" he laughed. "oh my god. yes" i said.

we made it to the restaurant and meant up with everyone in the front. "okay guys. let's head in" she said, "hi, i have reservations" she said to the hostess. "i already knew you would win, i called ahead last night"
she said. "you're the best" i said.

we sat at our table, "evan's dad is sorry he couldn't make it, he got stuck at work" she said, "no worries! i understand" i said. "he hopes you'll be over tomorrow,
to celebrate evan's big win!" she smiled. "of course. i wouldn't miss it for the world" i said.

everyone ordered their food and drinks and just talked for a while.

"so eleanor, any birthday plans?" sarah asked, "i uh. no" i replied. "mom" evan said, "evan, it's okay" i smiled, "oh sorry. i'm sorry" she said. "don't worry. it's okay" i replied.

"well, if you would like to come over i can make you a birthday dinner. anything you like and you can invite your friends over" she offered. "that would be great" i smiled.

20 minutes and the food came out, "thank you" we said. "dude this shrimp is the bomb" i said, "mac and cheese yummy" i said. "girl, you ate like you haven't eaten in days" gabby laughed.

"listen ryan cooks dinner like everyday, i love having a home chef" i chuckled. "ryan leaves with you?" sarah asked, "oh yeah. well apparently ryan and i are half siblings. it's a long story" i said.


"tell your mom i said thank you again for dinner, it was great" i said. "yeah no problem" he smiled. "it's friday, i'll come pick you up and we'll get breakfast at the diner" he said. "sounds perfect" i said.

we said our goodnights and i went inside the house.

today was one of the best days that i've had in a while.

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