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ellie's pov

evan and i sat in our usual diner spot. we ordered waffles with chocolate chips and ones with strawberries on top. "do you guys want any coffee?" the waitress asked, "yes, please" i said. she poured some in my cup.

"i love our friday breakfast dates" i smiled, "so do i, its the best part of the day" he smiled. "here you kids go" the waitress said coming back with the waffles. "thank you" i smiled.

"when are you girls going prom shopping?" he asked, "well i mean, we still have lots of time. but maybe sometime next month" i smiled. "don't forget to tell me which color blue you decide" he said.


we finished eating our breakfast and drove off school. gabby and jess were waiting by my locker, "hello" i said, "hi!" gabby smiled excitedly. "why is she so happy?" i questioned. "because she had her promosal" jess smiled.

"no way! i missed it!" i groaned, "it was so cute! ethan asked me" she blushed. "gabriella! are you blushing" i smirked. "stoppp!" she said hiding her face, "this is so cute!" i said.

"what's your number promosal that you would want evan to do?" she asked, "i don't know? i would be happy with anything that he did" i smiled. "what if he
serenaded you with one direction lyrics?" she smiled wiggling her eyebrows.

"i would cry, but sing along" i laughed, "do you think ryan would go to prom?" jess asked, "uh yes! i do" i smiled. "i'm gonna ask him tonight at dinner" she smiled excitedly. "oh my god! yes!" gabby said happy for the girl.

"are you guys going to the boys' game later?" i asked, "of course" jess smiled and gabby agreed. "hey sammy! wanna watch scuba and evan's game with us later?" i asked. "sure!" she smiled,  "her and scuba have been hangout out a lot recently. it's cute" gabby said.

we walked off to class and did our usual boring routine


the girls and i sat on the bleachers front row, waiting for evan and scuba to come out.

"YEAH LET'S GO 49!" i shouted, "god you're like mom watching your son" gabby laughed. "okay. ew. never say that again" i laughed, "oh" she said realizing how weird it sounded.

"you should get a shirt that says evan's biggest groupie" gabby laughed, "i hate you" i said, "LET'S GO SCUBA!" sam cheered. "LET'S GO 76!" she cheered again. gabby took out her video camera, that she's been using all senior year.

she filmed jess and i and we hugged each other and smiled. she started recording sam and how happy she is for scuba to score. "FUCK YEAH!" "oh my god" i said, "HEY, 49!" i shouted, evan looked up,  "call me!" i smiled.

"he is so fine" i said, "gross" jess said scrunching up her nose. "MUSKETEERS WIN! WOO!"

"we'll be right back, we're helping sam with a little something" jess smiled. gabby was so excited. sam went onto the field and the girls held up a banter.
that was asking scuba to go to prom. awh!

sam to a bullhorn and asked scuba if he would go to prom with her. he smiled and said, yes. "YOU GO SAMMY!" i yelled, the boys cheered for scuba. i was so happy for them.

where's my promosal?

"i'm gonna go change and then we can head out" evan said, "okay!" i smiled, "congrats on the big win! i love you" i said giving him a quick kiss. "you guys, that was so cute!" i said to jess and gabby.

"it was last minute, but we couldn't say no. she's been waiting for this moment" jess said. "so happy that they're going to prom together" i said. "i have to go meet evan, i'll see you at the party tomorrow" i said. "byeee!" they said.

i walked off and met evan outside the locker room. "does she know yet?" one of the boys said, "know what?" "what you have planned for her for prom night?" "no! don't ruin it" it was evan's voice.

ignored their conversation, not wanting to eavesdrop on them. "hey babe! you ready to head out?" he asked, "yeah, let's go" i said. he put his arm around me and we went to the truck. we drove off to his house for his parent's big dinner.

"mom! we're home!" he said, "hey! there you are! i'm so proud of you! your dad said you crushed it out there" she said pinching his cheeks. "go shower" she said, "you smell bad."  "mom!"

"need any help with dinner?" i asked as evan went upstairs. "that would be great. evan tells me you're a good cook" she smiled. "i try my best" i said, "my husband is outside right now, cooking the steaks. we're just working on the sides" she said.

"sounds good" i said preparing some side dishes with her. evan came down with blue jeans, red shirt, and a red flannel, "well you look nice" i said, "yeah well, you always look nice" he said taking a chopped carrot.

finally dinner was ready. i set up the table with the plates and cups and evan took out some drinks.

"okay, let's eat everyone" his dad placing the food on the table. "tell me your ways. this is great" i said taking a bit of  the juicy steak. "top secret" his dad joked. "ellie you did great with the sides" his mom smiled, "thank you" i smiled.

"so when's the wedding?" his dad joked, evan blushed. "they're in high school!" his mom exclaimed. "one day, she'll be my wife" evan smiled holding my hand. "and i can't wait for that one day to happen" i said.


i was back home, sitting on my bed doing some last minute homework questions. i totally spaced out about them because i was so excited for evan's game.

all i could dream about was that one day, i'll be mrs. fletcher. i couldn't wait for that day to come.

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