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ellie's pov

i woke up early and got ready for the day. i picked a nice light purple floral dress, a purple sweater, and my black platform shoes and my white ruffle socks. i curled my hair and did some light makeup. today we make our proposals for president and i wanted to look my best.

i went to downstairs and got my bag ready for school. evan was texted saying he was outside, so i grabbed my things went over to his truck. "morning" i said getting in, "hey, pretty lady" evan smiled, "let's get you a some coffee" he said driving off.

he got out of the car and i waited inside. "here you go. iced caramel coffee with coffee cake" he smiled, "thank you" i smiled back. "so, are you excited about today?"
he asked, "yeah i guess so! do you think i have a chance to win?" i asked. "of course you do" he said.

"you're up against like what two other girls? i doubt they're win. they're not likable like you" he chuckled. i playfully rolled my eyes. "you're gonna be there right" i asked, "i wouldn't miss it for the world" he said.

evan placed his hand on my leg as he drove off to school. but why did everything feel weird? different?

"evan we're okay, right?" i asked looking at him, my hands were shaking and sweating. "my love, we're more than okay" he said kissing the top of my hand. "i love you" he smiled. "i love you, too" i said.

evan pulled into the parking spot and we walked into the school together. "there she is! my queen!" gabby smiled video taping me. "hello ladies and gents!" i smiled into the camera. "my beautiful wife" she giggled.

"hey ladies! good morning!" clare smiled with a boy standing next to her. he had brown hair, brown eyes, pretty smile. "this is my brother, jack!" clare said introducing us to him. "hey, i'm eleanor" i smiled, "nice to meet you" he smiled back. he was beautiful.

"this is gabby, scuba, jessica, and evan" clare said introducing everyone else, jack said his hellos to everyone. "so ellie, do you mind showing me around?" he asked, "maybe after lunch! i have to prepare for my speech" i said. "oh yeah. you're gunning for student council president, right?" clare asked.

"that's right" i smiled, "good luck! i'm running for treasurer" she smiled. "oh! well then good luck to you to" i smiled. "come on, ev! help me with my speech" i said grabbing him away from the group. he wrapped his arm around me and we sat down in the corner.

"i think clare has a crush on you" i said, "yeah well i think jack has one on you" he said. "whatever. just let me read my speech to you" i said. "you're speech is perfect. people will be stupid to not vote for you" he said. "here i printed these out last night" i said giving him flyers, "hand these out for me" i smiled.

"sure, i'll see you at the assembly" he said kissing me goodbye. "hey girlie!" gabby said, "hey. help me hand these out?" i asked giving her flyers, "cute! i made these for you" she said giving me pins that say vote for ellie for president. "gabby these are perfect! thank you" i said hugging her.

"hi sorry im late!" jess said with a tray, "what are those?" i asked, "cupcakes" jess smiled, "i made this morning! to help with your presidency" she said. "awh jess thank you. you girls are the best" i smiled.

the three of us handed out flyers, pins, and cupcakes until the first period bell rang. "i think you got an easy shot at this!" gabby cheered. "yeah all thanks to my girls!" i smiled. "ugh spanish here we come" i sighed as we handed out the last of our cupcakes. "vote ellie for president!" i smiled.

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