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ellie's pov

"can you move your fat head? i can't see the tv" i told ryan as he stood in front of it. i was sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal. "you got really mean, you know that?" he said. "yeah yeah" i said stuffing my face. "i'm gonna make coffee" gabby said walking over to the kitchen.

"you and evan?" he asked, "there is no me and evan. not anymore" i replied. "yeah but you love him. you'll go back sooner or later" he said. "so what if i do?" i asked, "if you go back, make sure he doesn't hurt you again" he said.

"why do you care about my relationship?" i asked, "believe or not, i was your friend. i do care about your feelings and who hurts you" he smiled softly. "have you talked to jess?" i asked, "no. i doubt she wants anything to do with me" he said. "call her and find out" i said.

"coffee for you" gabby said handing me a cup, "thank you" i smiled. she sat down next to me and watched tv. "uh, where's mine?" he asked, "do i look like a maid? it's in the pot, superstar" she said. i laughed at the choice of her words. "superstar?" i questioned.

"oh whatever!" she giggled drinking her coffee. ryan got up and made himself a glass. "so what's going on?" he asked looking at the tv. "damon is in love with elena, but elena is dating stefan" gabby briefly explained. "there's more to it" i said.

"elena ends up falling for damon, but they all think it's because she's sired to him. but nope. she actually loves him and it's so cute" she ranted. "okay, wow" he said, "i love katherine, she's so girl boss" i laughed. "can we dress up as vampires for halloween?" she asked excitedly.

"yes! i'll be katherine" i smiled, "i'll be carolina" "whose gonna be your damon?" ryan asked raising his eyebrow. "sure as hell not you" i said, "god i hope not" he said. "okay okay, ladies please shut up. my husband is on the screen" gabby said.

ryan and i looked at each other and laughed at the girl's silliness. "i'm going to the mall, you girls wanna come with?" he asked. "yes!" we both said.

gabby and i rushed upstairs and changed quickly into more presentable clothing. i grabbed my bag and met ryan downstairs, "here" i said tossing him my keys, "you drive" i said getting in the passenger seat.

"okay, i just gotta get a few things" he said, "shouldn't take long" he added. "okay" we replied, "hey wanna get our nails done soon?" gabby asked, "sure" i smiled.

gabby and i left ryan and looked in a few stores. we spotted jess, evan, and scuba looking around too. "awkward" gabby whispered, "what do we do?" she asked. "nothing we're still friends with scuba and jess" i said.

"oh hey girls!" jess smiled, "hey" i replied. "what are you guys doing here?" scuba asked, "shopping" gabby replied. "yeah, we're with ryan. he needed to get some stuff" i said. "eleanor, do you have time to talk for a bit?" evan asked. i looked over at gabby, "it's okay. i'll hang out with scuba and jess" she smiled.

"uh okay. sure i guess so" i said, we walked off and sat by the fountain. "i know i keep saying it, but i'm sorry. i don't love clare at all. i barely even like her. if you give me another chance, i'll prove to you, that you're the only girl i care about and love" he said holding my hand.

"i love you, evan. i'll probably never stop loving you. but it's hard for me to trust you after everything" i said. "i get it. i just hope you can see how much i love you" he smiled softly.

"i forgive you" i said, "really?" he smiled, "really" i replied. "but what about us? are we a couple again?" he asked with hope in his voice. "do you promise to stop girls from kissing you? and to tell me right away if it ever happens again?" i asked.

"cross my heart. but believe me, it will never happen again" he said. "okay fine. one more chance, this is your last. make it count" i smiled. "i've missed you" he said pulling me in for a kiss.

"WOOOO!" scuba and gabby shouted from across from us, "oh my god. they're so embarrassing" i laughed. "come on" he said taking my hand walking back to the group.

"hey ell! you wanna get something to eat?" ryan asked coming up to us. "uh hey jess" he smiled awkwardly, "hey ryan" she smiled. "whose hungry?" he asked everyone said yes. we went onto the food court and got food.

evan and i got chinese food and everyone else got something different. "this is so good" i said, "how can you guys eat with that boy? he's a murder!" a random lady said. i scoffed and stood up, "no he's not! sheriff newlon is, mind your own business" i said. the lady scoffed and walked away.

"you didn't have to do" he said, "yeah well people are nosey. if they're going to talk might as well have the right info" i said. "so this is happening again?" he asked pointing his fork to evan and i.

"i guess you were right. i couldn't stay away from him" i laughed. "don't break her heart, fletcher. i mean it" ryan said. "i don't plan on it. by the end of this year ellie and i will be living our happily ever after" he said kissing my hand.

"we better, we've been through too much" i smiled, "awh! they're so getting married" gabby smirked. "gabby!" i said, "what! it's true. i call dibs on god mother!" she said. i playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"do you wanna come over for dinner tomorrow? my mom is mad at me that you guys haven't been formally introduced" evan chuckled. "i would love to" i said. "come on, we should go home. school's tomorrow" i sighed.

"i can't believe he took away your presidency" evan  scoffed, "i shouldn't have punched clare in the face." "uh yes you should have. that girl had it coming" gabby said. "i'll see you tomorrow, goodnight" i said kissing him goodbye.

"see you, baby" he did, we got in the car and drove gabby home. "i'll see you in the morning! i'll come get you" i said, "okay bye" she smiled.

next stop was our house.

"thank you for letting me stay here" ryan said slouching on the couch. "it's better than being alone, every night" i said. "i know you don't trust me, but my intentions are pure. i promise" he said. "i'll see you in the morning, goodnight" i said.


i went up to my room and did some homework.

author's note!
ellie and evan will always find their way back to each other. i can't help it 😭😭

but from now on, evan and ellie will get their happiness 🤍

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