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ellie's pov

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MY BEAUTIFUL BEST FRIEND!" gabby screamed with her video camera. "do a spin for me!" she said, "uh no" i said. i wore a baby pink sweater dress with my black platforms and white ruffle socks. i wore my half up half down, with a matching white bow.

"please!! you look so cute!" she pouted, "okay! fine" i said doing a little spin. i heard someone whistle, "don't be a tool, evan!" jess said. "you look beautiful! happy birthday, baby. these are for you" he said kissing me and handing me roses. "thank you, they're so beautiful" i smiled.

"wait here, okay? i have to do something" he said and the girls smirked at him. "what is going on right now?" i asked.

what makes you beautiful by one direction, started playing on a speaker. there were people dancing and evan and came out of nowhere singing to me.

"oh my god" i whispered, "the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed... oh-oh ellie will you go to prom with me?" he sang and a banner behind came down. with the words prom? written on it.
🫶🏼 creds to the movie prom pact for this idea

"so?" he asked, "YES!" i smiled and jumped into his arms. "i can't wait to go to prom with you!" i said. "i've decided on dark blue" i said.

"thank you guys!" evan said to the people who helped with everything. "AHHH! that was amazing" gabby said, "it really was" i laughed, "i didn't know you could sing, evan" scuba teased. "yeah yeah. i know im not the best" he laughed.

"you guys can still go over evan's for my party, right?" i asked, "of course" scuba said, "wouldnt miss it" gabby said. "great i'll see you guys later" i said. "i'll walk you to class" evan said taking my hand in his. "i can't believe you did all that for me" i laughed. "you deserve all the best" he said.

"here you are..i'll see you at lunch" he said walking off. i sat in my seat wanting high school to be over already! i can't wait for prom and then graduation.


i was at my locker grabbing whatever books i needed, it was thanksgiving weekend. so no school for the rest of the week yay.

i took out my phone seeing that ryan texted that he was here. "see you guys later" i said to scuba and gab on my way out.

i got in the passenger seat and we went back home. "thanks for getting me" i said, "yeah no problem" he replied. i unlocked the front door and went to my room. i decided to get a head start on my homework, since it was pretty little amount.

"hey we're gonna leave in a bit, okay?" he said, "okay" i replied. i finished eating my english chapter and decided to change my dress.

i took a quick shower and this time put my hair up in a nice slick bun. for my outfit i put on a red off the shoulder sequin mesh dress.

i did some light make up, not wanting to overboard and put on my black heels

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i did some light make up, not wanting to overboard and put on my black heels. "ellie! you almost ready?" ryan called out, "yes! i'm coming now!" i said. i grabbed my purse and walked downstairs.

"you look great!" he said, "thank you" i replied. "come on, don't wanna be late to your own party" he chuckled. we got in the car and drove to evan's house.

we got there and the lights were off, "did they forget about us?" i laughed, i opened the door and gabby and jess jumped out. "SURPRISE!" they screamed, "bitch you look hot!" gabby said.

the whole was decorated, it was beautiful. they even had a mini fondue area. i love me some chocolate covered strawberries. "eleanor you look lovely, sweetheart" evan's mom said giving me a hug, "thank you and thank you for all this" i smiled.

"you look beautiful" evan said kissing my cheek, "come on let's eat! and then it's present time" sarah smiled. "my dad made a bunch of food! ribs, shrimp, steak, a little of everything" he chuckled.

"this is a dream come true" i said, "yeah well. i wanted this year to be perfect for you" he said, "and it is wonderful" i said.

we all sat down digging into the food, "jess did you ask him?" i whispered, "i did! he said yes" she smiled. "ryan baker! you're coming to prom?" i asked, "yes i am" he smiled.

"jess told me that your boy over here serenaded you with one d lyrics. real cute" he chuckled. "one d?" his mom asked,"one direction they were a boy band" i explained. "he did, and it was amazing. i enjoyed every minute of it, thank you very much" i said.

"well i can't wait for prom. i can finally do something normal" he said.

everyone sat in the living room, giving me their gifts. "whose first?" i asked, "here!" gabby said giving a scrapbook that looked just like the mean girls burn book. "stop it! you did not!" i squealed, i opened the book and saw so many photos from when we were younger.

yulia, scuba, evan, jessica, gabby, even ryan was in there. "i love it" i said trying not to cry, "turn to the last page" she smiled, it was photo of me and my mom when i was little. "i love you" she said, "you're mom would be so proud of you" she gave me a big hug.

"i'm next!" evan smiled, he gave me a small black box, i opened it and it was infinity necklace. "infinity, because my love for you will continue forever" he said. "why are you guys trying to make emo" i said wiping my face.

"want me to put it on you?" he asked, "yes of course" i said. i opened everybody else's gifts and it was amazing i loved everything.

"this night was perfect, thank you guys" i said giving them all a big hug. "we love you" jess said.

"thank you mr and mrs fletcher for letting me host my party here, you guys are truly amazing" i said. "oh sweetie, you're welcome anytime" she said hugging me.

ryan and i drove jess and gabby home first and then went back home.

"thank you for everything" i said, "no. thank you for everything. you've really came through for me after everything that happened last year" he said.

ryan and i partied our ways and went into our rooms.
i was so excited for the weekend to come and finally have a break from school.

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