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ellie's pov

today' the day.
i walked through the halls with jessica and gabby by my side. "i'm so scared" i said, the three of us made our way to the auditorium. "scuba, where's evan?" i asked, "oh he said he had to do something, but will be here soon" he said. "oh okay. i texted him last night, he didn't respond. didn't even text this morning" i said.

"don't worry about him right now, okay?" gabby said grabbing my hand and leading me to the front of the stage. "okay everyone settle down! please let's get started" the principle announced to everyone. jess, gabby, and i sat in the front.

"will the following people please come up stage" he said, "eleanor garcia, samantha walker..." he went down the list of the student council positions.

"lastly...your new student president is eleanor garcia!" he said cheerfully. i was so excited, "WOO!" gabby and jess cheered. "WE LOVE YOU ELLIE!" they shouted. "congratulations! ellie" clare smiled, "thanks" i smiled. "im so excited to be your new president for this year! it's going to be so much fun!" i said excitedly.

everyone in the crowd cheered, "ms. garcia, who will be your vice president?" he asked, "samantha walker!" i smiled. she smiled happily, "thank you so much!" she said. the assembly ended. jess, gabby, and i jumped up and down excited about be winning.

"congrats, ellie!" scuba said, "thank you scuba!" i smiled hugging him. "baby, i'm so proud of you!" evan said picking me up, "thank you for being here" i said kissing him. "i love you" he said, "i love you, more" i said hugging him.

he put me down and wrapped his arm around me, "there's that smile" gabby said, "you had my girl worried evan" she said. "what? why?" he asked, "she didn't think you were gonna show up" she said.

"gabby! not cool" i said, "i said i would be here" he said looking at me. "i know, i know" i said, "hey ev!" clare said, "oh hey clare. congrats on treasurer" he said, "thanks!" she smiled. "are you coming over later?"
she asked. "no sorry. i have plans with my girlfriend"
he said.

"you do?" i asked, "yes. i'm taking you out for dinner, pretty girl" he said kissing my cheek. "i'll pick you up at 6, okay?" he said, "sounds good!" i said. "i gotta go i have history" i said. jess and i headed to class and so did everyone else.

the rest of the day went by quickly.


i groaned stepping into my house, it's been such a long day. evan is coming at 6 to pick me up, so i decided to do some homework first. i did english, history, and spanish within an hour.

"done, done, and done" i smiled impressed with myself for finishing everything so fast. i went upstairs to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

i wrapped the towel around my body and went to my room, picking out a nice black dress, matching heels, and some jewelry. i did natural makeup look and curled my hair. i felt very happy with how i looked.

i looked at the time it was 5:45, evan should be here soon, so i decided to wait in front of the house. i grabbed my things and sat on the porch.

"hey, there beautiful!" evan said getting out of the driver's seat. he was wearing a nice black tux, "you look very handsome" i smiled. "you look beautiful" he smiled kissing me.

he grabbed my hand and opened the passenger door for me. "thank you very much" i said getting in. "so are you excited?" he asked, "very" i smiled. "i've been waiting to take you here, since like forever" he said.

he pulled into the parking lot, the restaurant was beautiful. it had pretty white lights and looked very expensive. "evan, are you sure about this place? it looks expensive" i said. "don't you worry. i've been saving for this" he smiled holding my hand.

evan talked with the front desk for our table. "is outside okay? it's a beautiful day" evan smiled, "yes, outside is perfect" i said.

we sat down and looked through the menu. "are you okay? you seem nervous?" i asked. "i'm fine" he replied. we ordered our food and just talked for a while. i ordered shrimp and pasta, evan ordered steak.

"so how's your science project?" i asked, "it's fine" he replied. "that's cool, i guess" i said. the food came out and we just stayed quiet and ate.

i thought this dinner was supposed to be fun?

"i'm proud of you for winning ellie. you did great" he smiled, "yeah! i'm so excited about it" i replied. "do you want desert or anything?" he asked, "uh no that's okay. we can just go home" i said. rvan paid the bill and we left.

"thank you for dinner, it was nice" i said, "yeah uh um no problem" he said. his leg was moving uncontrollably and his hands were shaking. "are you sure everything is okay?" i asked, "everything is fine. just tired" he said. "oh well. i don't wanna keep you. so goodnight" i said. "night" he smiled.

i unlocked the front door and walked to my room, throwing myself on the bed. i took the pins out of my hair and took off the jewelry. i removed the makeup from my face, why did this night feel horrible?

is there something wrong with me? does he not love me anymore?

i got ready for bed and just stayed up, wondering what i did wrong for him to start acting so cold around me. i don't understand what i did? am i the problem?

short chapter 🫶🏼
i have big plans coming up for ellie! she deserves her happiness.

lucky star; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now